Ryan France
Ryan France
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Observation of a hot-phonon bottleneck in lead-iodide perovskites
Y Yang, DP Ostrowski, RM France, K Zhu, J Van De Lagemaat, JM Luther, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (1), 53-59, 2016
Triple-halide wide–band gap perovskites with suppressed phase segregation for efficient tandems
J Xu, CC Boyd, ZJ Yu, AF Palmstrom, DJ Witter, BW Larson, RM France, ...
Science 367 (6482), 1097-1104, 2020
Six-junction III–V solar cells with 47.1% conversion efficiency under 143 Suns concentration
JF Geisz, RM France, KL Schulte, MA Steiner, AG Norman, HL Guthrey, ...
Nature energy 5 (4), 326-335, 2020
Direct solar-to-hydrogen conversion via inverted metamorphic multi-junction semiconductor architectures
JL Young, MA Steiner, H Döscher, RM France, JA Turner, TG Deutsch
Nature Energy 2 (4), 1-8, 2017
Thermophotovoltaic efficiency of 40%
A LaPotin, KL Schulte, MA Steiner, K Buznitsky, CC Kelsall, DJ Friedman, ...
Nature 604 (7905), 287-291, 2022
Building a six-junction inverted metamorphic concentrator solar cell
JF Geisz, MA Steiner, N Jain, KL Schulte, RM France, WE McMahon, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2), 626-632, 2017
Carrier control in Sn–Pb perovskites via 2D cation engineering for all-perovskite tandem solar cells with improved efficiency and stability
J Tong, Q Jiang, AJ Ferguson, AF Palmstrom, X Wang, J Hao, SP Dunfield, ...
Nature Energy 7 (7), 642-651, 2022
Kinetically limited growth of GaAsBi by molecular-beam epitaxy
AJ Ptak, R France, DA Beaton, K Alberi, J Simon, A Mascarenhas, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 338 (1), 107-110, 2012
Electron hall mobility in GaAsBi
RN Kini, L Bhusal, AJ Ptak, R France, A Mascarenhas
journal of applied physics 106 (4), 2009
Triple-junction solar cells with 39.5% terrestrial and 34.2% space efficiency enabled by thick quantum well superlattices
RM France, JF Geisz, T Song, W Olavarria, M Young, A Kibbler, ...
Joule 6 (5), 1121-1135, 2022
Vanadium-based Ohmic contacts to n-AlGaN in the entire alloy composition
R France, T Xu, P Chen, R Chandrasekaran, TD Moustakas
Applied physics letters 90 (6), 2007
Design flexibility of ultrahigh efficiency four-junction inverted metamorphic solar cells
RM France, JF Geisz, I Garcia, MA Steiner, WE McMahon, DJ Friedman, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (2), 578-583, 2015
Quadruple-junction inverted metamorphic concentrator devices
RM France, JF Geisz, I Garcia, MA Steiner, WE McMahon, DJ Friedman, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (1), 432-437, 2014
Generalized optoelectronic model of series-connected multijunction solar cells
JF Geisz, MA Steiner, I Garcia, RM France, WE McMahon, CR Osterwald, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (6), 1827-1839, 2015
Measuring IV curves and subcell photocurrents in the presence of luminescent coupling
MA Steiner, JF Geisz, TE Moriarty, RM France, WE McMahon, JM Olson, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3 (2), 879-887, 2012
Effect of Bi alloying on the hole transport in the dilute bismide alloy GaAsBi
RN Kini, AJ Ptak, B Fluegel, R France, RC Reedy, A Mascarenhas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (7), 075307, 2011
High efficiency inverted GaAs and GaInP/GaAs solar cells with strain‐balanced GaInAs/GaAsP quantum wells
MA Steiner, RM France, J Buencuerpo, JF Geisz, MP Nielsen, A Pusch, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (4), 2002874, 2021
Tandem solar cells from solution-processed CdTe and PbS quantum dots using a ZnTe–ZnO tunnel junction
RW Crisp, GF Pach, JM Kurley, RM France, MO Reese, SU Nanayakkara, ...
Nano letters 17 (2), 1020-1027, 2017
Metamorphic epitaxy for multijunction solar cells
RM France, F Dimroth, TJ Grassman, RR King
MRS Bulletin 41 (3), 202-209, 2016
Atomic ordering and phase separation in MBE GaAs1− xBix
AG Norman, R France, AJ Ptak
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 29 (3), 2011
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