Joanne M. Kingsbury Ph.D.
Joanne M. Kingsbury Ph.D.
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited
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Plastics and the microbiome: impacts and solutions
G Lear, JM Kingsbury, S Franchini, V Gambarini, SDM Maday, ...
Environmental Microbiome 16, 1-19, 2021
Phylogenetic distribution of plastic-degrading microorganisms
V Gambarini, O Pantos, JM Kingsbury, L Weaver, KM Handley, G Lear
Msystems 6 (1), 10.1128/msystems. 01112-20, 2021
Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis
A Gioti, B Nystedt, W Li, J Xu, A Andersson, AF Averette, K MŘnch, ...
MBio 4 (1), 10.1128/mbio. 00572-12, 2013
PlasticDB: a database of microorganisms and proteins linked to plastic biodegradation
V Gambarini, O Pantos, JM Kingsbury, L Weaver, KM Handley, G Lear
Database 2022, baac008, 2022
Cryptococcus neoformans methionine synthase: expression analysis and requirement for virulence
RC Pascon, TM Ganous, JM Kingsbury, GM Cox, JH McCusker
Microbiology 150 (9), 3013-3023, 2004
Cryptococcus neoformans Ilv2p confers resistance to sulfometuron methyl and is required for survival at 37 °C and in vivo
JM Kingsbury, Z Yang, TM Ganous, GM Cox, JH McCusker
Microbiology 150 (5), 1547-1558, 2004
Cytocidal amino acid starvation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans acetolactate synthase (ilv2Δ) mutants is influenced by the carbon source and …
JM Kingsbury, JH McCusker
Microbiology 156 (3), 929-939, 2010
Role of Nitrogen and Carbon Transport, Regulation, and Metabolism Genes for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Survival In Vivo
JM Kingsbury, AL Goldstein, JH McCusker
Eukaryotic Cell 5 (5), 816-824, 2006
Branched-Chain Aminotransferases Control TORC1 Signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
JM Kingsbury, ND Sen, ME Cardenas
PLoS genetics 11 (12), e1005714, 2015
Novel Chimeric Spermidine Synthase-Saccharopine Dehydrogenase Gene (SPE3-LYS9) in the Human Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
JM Kingsbury, Z Yang, TM Ganous, GM Cox, JH McCusker
Eukaryotic cell 3 (3), 752-763, 2004
Metagenomics approaches for improving food safety: a review
C Billington, JM Kingsbury, L Rivas
Journal of Food Protection 85 (3), 448-464, 2022
Calcofluor White Combination Antifungal Treatments for Trichophyton rubrum and Candida albicans
JM Kingsbury, J Heitman, SR Pinnell
PLoS One 7 (7), e39405, 2012
Into the plastisphere, where only the generalists thrive: early insights in plastisphere microbial community succession
JA Wallbank, G Lear, JM Kingsbury, L Weaver, F Doake, DA Smith, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 841142, 2022
Gene Function Analysis in the Ubiquitous Human Commensal and Pathogen Malassezia Genus
G Ianiri, AF Averette, JM Kingsbury, J Heitman, A Idnurm
MBio 7 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 01853-16, 2016
Homoserine Toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans Homoserine Kinase (thr1Δ) Mutants
JM Kingsbury, JH McCusker
Eukaryotic Cell 9 (5), 717-728, 2010
Microbial abilities to degrade global environmental plastic polymer waste are overstated
G Lear, SDM Maday, V Gambarini, G Northcott, R Abbel, JM Kingsbury, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 043002, 2022
Fungal Homoserine Kinase (thr1Δ) Mutants Are Attenuated in Virulence and Die Rapidly upon Threonine Starvation and Serum Incubation
JM Kingsbury, JH McCusker
Eukaryotic cell 9 (5), 729-737, 2010
Threonine biosynthetic genes are essential in Cryptococcus neoformans
JM Kingsbury, JH McCusker
Microbiology 154 (9), 2767-2775, 2008
Endolysosomal Membrane Trafficking Complexes Drive Nutrient-Dependent TORC1 Signaling to Control Cell Growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
JM Kingsbury, ND Sen, T Maeda, J Heitman, ME Cardenas
Genetics 196 (4), 1077-1089, 2014
Gene function analysis in the ubiquitous human commensal and pathogen
G Ianiri, AF Averette, JM Kingsbury, J Heitman, A Idnurm
Malassezia genus. mBio 7, e01853-16, 2016
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