Rolf Vinebrooke
Rolf Vinebrooke
Department Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
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Impacts of multiple stressors on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: The role of species co‐tolerance
R D. Vinebrooke, K L. Cottingham, J Norberg, Marten Scheffer, ...
Oikos 104 (3), 451-457, 2004
Net effects of multiple stressors in freshwater ecosystems: A meta‐analysis
MC Jackson, CJG Loewen, RD Vinebrooke, CT Chimimba
Global change biology 22 (1), 180-189, 2016
Acceleration of cyanobacterial dominance in north temperate‐subarctic lakes during the Anthropocene
ZE Taranu, I Gregory‐Eaves, PR Leavitt, L Bunting, T Buchaca, J Catalan, ...
Ecology letters 18 (4), 375-384, 2015
Towards a unified study of multiple stressors: divisions and common goals across research disciplines
JA Orr, RD Vinebrooke, MC Jackson, KJ Kroeker, RL Kordas, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1926), 20200421, 2020
Multiple anthropogenic stressors cause ecological surprises in boreal lakes
MR Christensen, MD Graham, RD Vinebrooke, DL Findlay, MJ Paterson, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (12), 2316-2322, 2006
Past ultraviolet radiation environments in lakes derived from fossil pigments
PR Leavitt, RD Vinebrooke, DB Donald, JP Smol, DW Schindler
Nature 388 (6641), 457-459, 1997
Recent primary production increases in arctic lakes
N Michelutti, AP Wolfe, RD Vinebrooke, B Rivard, JP Briner
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (19), 2005
Effects of experimental greenhouse warming on phytoplankton and zooplankton communities in fishless alpine ponds
AL Strecker, TP Cobb, RD Vinebrooke
Limnology and Oceanography 49 (4), 1182-1190, 2004
Stratigraphic expressions of the Holocene–Anthropocene transition revealed in sediments from remote lakes
AP Wolfe, WO Hobbs, HH Birks, JP Briner, SU Holmgren, Ó Ingólfsson, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 116, 17-34, 2013
Recent climate extremes alter alpine lake ecosystems
BR Parker, RD Vinebrooke, DW Schindler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (35), 12927-12931, 2008
High microcystin concentrations occur only at low nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios in nutrient-rich Canadian lakes
DM Orihel, DF Bird, M Brylinsky, H Chen, DB Donald, DY Huang, A Giani, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 (9), 1457-1462, 2012
Differential responses of littoral communities to ultraviolet radiation in an alpine lake
RD Vinebrooke, PR Leavitt
Ecology 80 (1), 223-237, 1999
Experimental calibration of lake-sediment spectral reflectance to chlorophyll a concentrations: methodology and paleolimnological validation
AP Wolfe, RD Vinebrooke, N Michelutti, B Rivard, B Das
Journal of Paleolimnology 36, 91-100, 2006
Effects of ultraviolet radiation on periphyton in an alpine lake
RD Vinebrooke, PR Leavitt
Limnology and Oceanography 41 (5), 1035-1040, 1996
Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 lakes
RM Pilla, CE Williamson, BV Adamovich, R Adrian, O Anneville, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 20514, 2020
Direct and interactive effects of allochthonous dissolved organic matter, inorganic nutrients, and ultraviolet radiation on an alpine littoral food web
RD Vinebrooke, PR Leavitt
Limnology and Oceanography 43 (6), 1065-1081, 1998
Recovery of zooplankton assemblages in mountain lakes from the effects of introduced sport fish
DB Donald, RD Vinebrooke, RS Anderson, J Syrgiannis, MD Graham
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (9), 1822-1830, 2001
Effects of warming on benthic communities in a boreal lake: implications of climate change
HM Baulch, DW Schindler, MA Turner, DL Findlay, MJ Paterson, ...
Limnology and oceanography 50 (5), 1377-1392, 2005
The “nutrient pump:” Iron‐poor sediments fuel low nitrogen‐to‐phosphorus ratios and cyanobacterial blooms in polymictic lakes
DM Orihel, DW Schindler, NC Ballard, MD Graham, DW O'Connell, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (3), 856-871, 2015
Trophic dependence of ecosystem resistance and species compensation in experimentally acidified Lake 302S (Canada)
RD Vinebrooke, DW Schindler, DL Findlay, MA Turner, M Paterson, ...
Ecosystems 6, 0101-0113, 2003
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