Yiqun Weng
Yiqun Weng
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Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
DNA sequencing and assembly Barry Kerrie 5 Lucas Susan 5 Harmon-Smith ...
Nature 463 (7282), 763-768, 2010
The genome of melon (Cucumis melo L.)
J Garcia-Mas, A Benjak, W Sanseverino, M Bourgeois, G Mir, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (29), 11872-11877, 2012
Genome-wide characterization of simple sequence repeats in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
PF Cavagnaro, DA Senalik, L Yang, PW Simon, TT Harkins, CD Kodira, ...
BMC genomics 11, 1-18, 2010
QTL-seq identifies an early flowering QTL located near Flowering Locus T in cucumber
H Lu, T Lin, J Klein, S Wang, J Qi, Q Zhou, J Sun, Z Zhang, Y Weng, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 127, 1491-1499, 2014
Chromosome rearrangements during domestication of cucumber as revealed by high‐density genetic mapping and draft genome assembly
L Yang, DH Koo, Y Li, X Zhang, F Luan, MJ Havey, J Jiang, Y Weng
The Plant Journal 71 (6), 895-906, 2012
Chromosome-Specific Painting in Cucumis Species Using Bulked Oligonucleotides
Y Han, T Zhang, P Thammapichai, Y Weng, J Jiang
Genetics 200 (3), 771-779, 2015
A common genetic mechanism underlies morphological diversity in fruits and other plant organs
S Wu, B Zhang, N Keyhaninejad, GR Rodríguez, HJ Kim, M Chakrabarti, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4734, 2018
Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB): a central portal for comparative and functional genomics of cucurbit crops
Y Zheng, S Wu, Y Bai, H Sun, C Jiao, S Guo, K Zhao, J Blanca, Z Zhang, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D1128-D1136, 2019
Genetic architecture of fruit size and shape variation in cucurbits: a comparative perspective
Y Pan, Y Wang, C McGregor, S Liu, F Luan, M Gao, Y Weng
Theoretical and applied genetics 133, 1-21, 2020
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
J Lv, J Qi, Q Shi, D Shen, S Zhang, G Shao, H Li, Z Sun, Y Weng, Y Shang, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46919, 2012
Identification of heat-tolerance QTLs and high-temperature stress-responsive genes through conventional QTL mapping, QTL-seq and RNA-seq in tomato
J Wen, F Jiang, Y Weng, M Sun, X Shi, Y Zhou, L Yu, Z Wu
BMC plant biology 19, 1-17, 2019
PCR‐based markers for detection of different sources of 1AL. 1RS and 1BL. 1RS wheat–rye translocations in wheat background
Y Weng, P Azhaguvel, RN Devkota, JC Rudd
Plant Breeding 126 (5), 482-486, 2007
QTL mapping in multiple populations and development stages reveals dynamic quantitative trait loci for fruit size in cucumbers of different market classes
Y Weng, M Colle, Y Wang, L Yang, M Rubinstein, A Sherman, R Ophir, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 128, 1747-1763, 2015
Fine genetic mapping of cp: a recessive gene for compact (dwarf) plant architecture in cucumber, Cucumis sativus L.
Y Li, L Yang, M Pathak, D Li, X He, Y Weng
Theoretical and applied genetics 123, 973-983, 2011
A linkage map of cultivated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with 248 microsatellite marker loci and seven genes for horticulturally important traits
H Miao, S Zhang, X Wang, Z Zhang, M Li, S Mu, Z Cheng, R Zhang, ...
Euphytica 182, 167-176, 2011
A Functional Allele of CsFUL1 Regulates Fruit Length through Repressing CsSUP and Inhibiting Auxin Transport in Cucumber
J Zhao, L Jiang, G Che, Y Pan, Y Li, Y Hou, W Zhao, Y Zhong, L Ding, ...
The Plant Cell 31 (6), 1289-1307, 2019
Molecularly tagged genes and quantitative trait loci in cucumber with recommendations for QTL nomenclature
Y Wang, K Bo, X Gu, J Pan, Y Li, J Chen, C Wen, Z Ren, H Ren, X Chen, ...
Horticulture research 7, 2020
Round fruit shape in WI7239 cucumber is controlled by two interacting quantitative trait loci with one putatively encoding a tomato SUN homolog
Y Pan, X Liang, M Gao, H Liu, H Meng, Y Weng, Z Cheng
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130, 573-586, 2017
QTL mapping of powdery mildew resistance in WI 2757 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
X He, Y Li, S Pandey, BS Yandell, M Pathak, Y Weng
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126, 2149-2161, 2013
Molecular mapping reveals structural rearrangements and quantitative trait loci underlying traits with local adaptation in semi-wild Xishuangbanna cucumber (Cucumis sativus L …
K Bo, Z Ma, J Chen, Y Weng
Theoretical and applied genetics 128, 25-39, 2015
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