Alex Trukhanov
Alex Trukhanov
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Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the BaFe12− xAlxO19 (x= 0.1–1.2) solid solutions
AV Trukhanov, VO Turchenko, IA Bobrikov, SV Trukhanov, IS Kazakevich, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 253-259, 2015
Polarization origin and iron positions in indium doped barium hexaferrites
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VA Turchenko, AV Trukhanov, ...
Ceramics International 44 (1), 290-300, 2018
Control of electromagnetic properties in substituted M-type hexagonal ferrites
AV Trukhanov, VG Kostishyn, LV Panina, VV Korovushkin, VA Turchenko, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 754, 247-256, 2018
Correlation between composition and electrodynamics properties in nanocomposites based on hard/soft ferrimagnetics with strong exchange coupling
MA Almessiere, AV Trukhanov, Y Slimani, KY You, SV Trukhanov, ...
Nanomaterials 9 (2), 202, 2019
Ultrahigh enhancement rate of the energy density of flexible polymer nanocomposites using core–shell BaTiO 3@ MgO structures as the filler
PJ Wang, D Zhou, HH Guo, WF Liu, JZ Su, MS Fu, C Singh, S Trukhanov, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (22), 11124-11132, 2020
Significantly enhanced electrostatic energy storage performance of P (VDF-HFP)/BaTiO3-Bi (Li0. 5Nb0. 5) O3 nanocomposites
PJ Wang, D Zhou, J Li, LX Pang, WF Liu, JZ Su, C Singh, S Trukhanov, ...
Nano Energy 78, 105247, 2020
Investigation into the structural features and microwave absorption of doped barium hexaferrites
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VG Kostishyn, LV Panina, AV Trukhanov, ...
Dalton Transactions 46 (28), 9010-9021, 2017
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
X Liu, Y Yang, X Lu, F Qi, Y Liang, A Trukhanov, Y Wu, Z Sun, X Lu
vol 10, 36229-36239, 2014
Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Complex Targeted Delivery and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
K Dukenbayev, IV Korolkov, DI Tishkevich, AL Kozlovskiy, SV Trukhanov, ...
Nanomaterials 9 (4), 494, 2019
Coexistence of spontaneous polarization and magnetization in substituted M-type hexaferrites BaFe12–x Al x O19 (x ⩽ 1.2) at …
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VG Kostishin, LV Panina, IS Kazakevich, ...
JETP letters 103, 100-105, 2016
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the BaFe12− xInxO19 (x= 0.1–1.2) solid solutions
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, VA Turchenko, VG Kostishin, LV Panina, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 417, 130-136, 2016
Immobilization of boron-rich compound on Fe3O4 nanoparticles: stability and cytotoxicity
DI Tishkevich, IV Korolkov, AL Kozlovskiy, M Anisovich, DA Vinnik, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 797, 573-581, 2019
Preparation and investigation of structure, magnetic and dielectric properties of (BaFe11. 9Al0. 1O19) 1-x-(BaTiO3) x bicomponent ceramics
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, MM Salem, EL Trukhanova, LV Panina, ...
Ceramics International 44 (17), 21295-21302, 2018
Magnetic properties and Mössbauer study of gallium doped M-type barium hexaferrites
AV Trukhanov, VG Kostishyn, LV Panina, SH Jabarov, VV Korovushkin, ...
Ceramics International 43 (15), 12822-12827, 2017
Correlation between microstructure parameters and anti-cancer activity of the [Mn0. 5Zn0. 5](EuxNdxFe2-2x) O4 nanoferrites produced by modified sol-gel and ultrasonic methods
MA Almessiere, AV Trukhanov, FA Khan, Y Slimani, N Tashkandi, ...
Ceramics International 46 (6), 7346-7354, 2020
Impact of Eu3+ ion substitution on structural, magnetic and microwave traits of Ni–Cu–Zn spinel ferrites
MA Almessiere, Y Slimani, H Güngüneş, VG Kostishyn, SV Trukhanov, ...
Ceramics International 46 (8), 11124-11131, 2020
Thermal stability of A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganites
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, H Szymczak, R Szymczak, M Baran
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (4), 675-681, 2006
Effect of the size factor on the magnetic properties of manganite La0.50Ba0.50MnO3
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, SG Stepin, H Szymczak, CE Botez
Physics of the Solid State 50, 886-893, 2008
Critical behavior of La0.825Sr0.175MnO2.912 anion-deficient manganite in the magnetic phase transition region
SV Trukhanov, AV Trukhanov, AN Vasil’ev, A Maignan, H Szymczak
JETP Letters 85, 507-512, 2007
Electromagnetic properties of BaFe12O19: Ti at centimeter wavelengths
DA Vinnik, DS Klygach, VE Zhivulin, AI Malkin, MG Vakhitov, SA Gudkova, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 755, 177-183, 2018
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