Samuel Buis
Samuel Buis
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене inrae.fr
Uncertainties in predicting rice yield by current crop models under a wide range of climatic conditions
T Li, T Hasegawa, X Yin, Y Zhu, K Boote, M Adam, S Bregaglio, S Buis, ...
Global change biology 21 (3), 1328-1341, 2015
Estimating canopy characteristics from remote sensing observations: Review of methods and associated problems
F Baret, S Buis
Advances in land remote sensing: System, modeling, inversion and application …, 2008
Accuracy, robustness and behavior of the STICS soil–crop model for plant, water and nitrogen outputs: evaluation over a wide range of agro-environmental conditions in France
E Coucheney, S Buis, M Launay, J Constantin, B Mary, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 64, 177-190, 2015
Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: a crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces
N Pirttioja, TR Carter, S Fronzek, M Bindi, H Hoffmann, T Palosuo, ...
Climate Research 65, 87-105, 2015
Global sensitivity analysis measures the quality of parameter estimation: The case of soil parameters and a crop model
H Varella, M Guérif, S Buis
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (3), 310-319, 2010
PALM: a computational framework for assembling high‐performance computing applications
S Buis, A Piacentini, D Déclat
Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 18 (2), 231-245, 2006
Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment
M Ruiz-Ramos, R Ferrise, A Rodríguez, IJ Lorite, M Bindi, TR Carter, ...
Agricultural Systems 159, 260-274, 2018
Forcing a wheat crop model with LAI data to access agronomic variables: Evaluation of the impact of model and LAI uncertainties and comparison with an empirical approach
R Casa, H Varella, S Buis, M Guérif, B De Solan, F Baret
European journal of agronomy 37 (1), 1-10, 2012
Multitemporal-patch ensemble inversion of coupled surface–atmosphere radiative transfer models for land surface characterization
C Lauvernet, F Baret, L Hascoët, S Buis, FX Le Dimet
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 851-861, 2008
A package of parameter estimation methods and implementation for the STICS crop-soil model
D Wallach, S Buis, P Lecharpentier, J Bourges, P Clastre, M Launay, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (4), 386-394, 2011
Classifying multi-model wheat yield impact response surfaces showing sensitivity to temperature and precipitation change
S Fronzek, N Pirttioja, TR Carter, M Bindi, H Hoffmann, T Palosuo, ...
Agricultural systems 159, 209-224, 2018
The chaos in calibrating crop models: Lessons learned from a multi-model calibration exercise
D Wallach, T Palosuo, P Thorburn, Z Hochman, E Gourdain, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 145, 105206, 2021
Causes of variation among rice models in yield response to CO2 examined with Free-Air CO2 Enrichment and growth chamber experiments
T Hasegawa, T Li, X Yin, Y Zhu, K Boote, J Baker, S Bregaglio, S Buis, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14858, 2017
Implications of crop model ensemble size and composition for estimates of adaptation effects and agreement of recommendations
A Rodriguez, M Ruiz-Ramos, T Palosuo, TR Carter, S Fronzek, IJ Lorite, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 264, 351-362, 2019
Climate change effects on leaf rust of wheat: Implementing a coupled crop-disease model in a French regional application
J Caubel, M Launay, D Ripoche, D Gouache, S Buis, F Huard, L Huber, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 90, 53-66, 2017
Estimation of plant and canopy architectural traits using the digital plant phenotyping platform
S Liu, P Martre, S Buis, M Abichou, B Andrieu, F Baret
Plant Physiology 181 (3), 881-890, 2019
A statistical analysis of three ensembles of crop model responses to temperature and CO2 concentration
D Makowski, S Asseng, F Ewert, S Bassu, JL Durand, T Li, P Martre, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214, 483-493, 2015
Evaluation of land surface model simulations of evapotranspiration over a 12-year crop succession: impact of soil hydraulic and vegetation properties
S Garrigues, A Olioso, JC Calvet, E Martin, S Lafont, S Moulin, A Chanzy, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 3109-3131, 2015
Estimation of maize canopy properties from remote sensing by inversion of 1-D and 4-D models
R Casa, F Baret, S Buis, R Lopez-Lozano, S Pascucci, A Palombo, ...
Precision Agriculture 11, 319-334, 2010
Intercomparison of the primal and dual formulations of variational data assimilation
A El Akkraoui, P Gauthier, S Pellerin, S Buis
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2008
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