Livingstone Luboobi
Livingstone Luboobi
Strathmore Universty
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене strathmore.edu
A mathematical model for the dynamics of malaria in a human host and mosquito vector with temporary immunity
J Tumwiine, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Applied mathematics and computation 189 (2), 1953-1965, 2007
A host-vector model for malaria with infective immigrants
J Tumwiine, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 361 (1), 139-149, 2010
Mathematical models for the dynamics of tuberculosis in density-dependent populations: The case of internally displaced peoples’ camps (IDPCs) in Uganda
A Ssematimba, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 (3), 217-224, 2005
Modeling the impact of climate change on the dynamics of Rift Valley fever
SC Mpeshe, LS Luboobi, Y Nkansah-Gyekye
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2014 (1), 627586, 2014
On global stability of the intra-host dynamics of malaria and the immune system
J Tumwiine, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 341 (2), 855-869, 2008
Mathematical modelling of the impact of testing, treatment and control of HIV transmission in Kenya
EO Omondi, RW Mbogo, LS Luboobi
Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 5 (1), 1475590, 2018
Mathematical analysis of influenza A dynamics in the emergence of drug resistance
CW Kanyiri, K Mark, L Luboobi
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2018 (1), 2434560, 2018
A mathematical modelling study of HIV infection in two heterosexual age groups in Kenya
EO Omondi, RW Mbogo, LS Luboobi
Infectious Disease Modelling 4, 83-98, 2019
Modeling the dynamics of rabies transmission with vaccination and stability analysis
TT Ega, L Luboobi, D Kuznetsov
Science Publishing Group, 2015
On oscillatory pattern of malaria dynamics in a population with temporary immunity
J Tumwiine, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 8 (3), 191-203, 2007
Mathematical analysis of sex-structured population model of HIV infection in Kenya
EO Omondi, RW Mbogo, LS Luboobi
Letters in Biomathematics 5 (1), 174-194, 2018
A mathematical model for the dynamics and cost effectiveness of the current controls of cassava brown streak disease in Uganda
T Kinene, LS Luboobi, B Nannyonga, GG Mwanga
J. Math. Comput. Sci. 5 (4), 567-600, 2015
An age-structured mathematical model for the within host dynamics of malaria and the immune system
J Tumwiine, S Luckhaus, JYT Mugisha, LS Luboobi
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 7, 79-97, 2008
Modeling traffic flow and management at un-signalized, signalized and roundabout road intersections
LS Luboobi, R Kakooza, JYT Mugisha
Academia, 2005
A stochastic model for malaria transmission dynamics
RW Mbogo, LS Luboobi, JW Odhiambo
Journal of applied mathematics 2018 (1), 2439520, 2018
Modelling Optimal Control of In‐Host HIV Dynamics Using Different Control Strategies
P Ngina, RW Mbogo, LS Luboobi
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2018 (1), 9385080, 2018
Modeling the effect of treatment and mosquito control on malaria transmission
J Tumwiine, LS Luboobi, JYT Mugisha
International Journal of Management and Systems 21 (2), 107-124, 2005
Optimal control strategies for the infectiology of brucellosis
N Nyerere, LS Luboobi, SC Mpeshe, GM Shirima
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2020 (1), 1214391, 2020
An optimal control problem for ovine brucellosis with culling
B Nannyonga, GG Mwanga, LS Luboobi
Journal of biological dynamics 9 (1), 198-214, 2015
Mathematical Modelling of HIV‐HCV Coinfection Dynamics in Absence of Therapy
E Mayanja, LS Luboobi, J Kasozi, RN Nsubuga
Computational and Mathematical methods in Medicine 2020 (1), 2106570, 2020
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