Antonio Barbadilla
Antonio Barbadilla
Professor Dpt Genetics & Microbiology / Inst Biotechnology & Biomedicine - Univ Autònoma Barcelona
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The Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel
Mackay* TF1, Richards* S, Stone* EA, Barbadilla* A, et al. *Equal Contribution
Nature 482 (7384), 173-8. doi: 10.1038/, 2012
Natural variation in genome architecture among 205 Drosophila melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel lines
W Huang, A Massouras, Y Inoue, J Peiffer, M Ràmia, AM Tarone, ...
Genome research 24 (7), 1193-1208, 2014
Generation of a Widespread Drosophila Inversion by a Transposable Element
M Caceres, JM Ranz, A Barbadilla, M Long, A Ruiz
Science 285 (5426), 415-418, 1999
Recombination and gene flux caused by gene conversion and crossing over in inversion heterokaryotypes
A Navarro, E Betrán, A Barbadilla, A Ruiz
Genetics 146 (2), 695-709, 1997
The estimation of the number and the length distribution of gene conversion tracts from population DNA sequence data
E Betrán, J Rozas, A Navarro, A Barbadilla
Genetics 146 (1), 89-99, 1997
Molecular population genetics
S Casillas, A Barbadilla
Genetics 205 (3), 1003-1035, 2017
Standard and generalized McDonald–Kreitman test: a website to detect selection by comparing different classes of DNA sites
R Egea, S Casillas, A Barbadilla
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_2), W157-W162, 2008
The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XIV. Larger flies mate more often in nature
M Santos, A Ruiz, A Barbadilla, JE Quezada-Diaz, E Hasson, ...
Heredity 61, 255-262, 1988
Effect of inversion polymorphism on the neutral nucleotide variability of linked chromosomal regions in Drosophila
A Navarro, A Barbadilla, A Ruiz
Genetics 155 (2), 685-698, 2000
The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XX. Positive phenotypic covariance between field adult fitness components and body size
M Santos, A Ruiz, JE Quezada-Díaz, A Barbadilla, A Fontdevila
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 5 (3), 403-422, 1992
Adaptive Evolution Is Substantially Impeded by Hill–Robertson Interference in Drosophila
D Castellano, M Coronado-Zamora, JL Campos, A Barbadilla, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (2), 442-455, 2016
Genetic variance for body size in a natural population of Drosophila buzzatii.
A Ruiz, M Santos, A Barbadilla, JE Quezada-Diaz, E Hasson, ...
Genetics 128 (4), 739-750, 1991
Purifying Selection Maintains Highly Conserved Noncoding Sequences in Drosophila
S Casillas, A Barbadilla, CM Bergman
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (10), 2222-2234, 2007
Genomics of Ecological Adaptation in Cactophilic Drosophila
Y Guillén, N Rius, A Delprat, A Williford, F Muyas, M Puig, S Casillas, ...
Genome biology and evolution 7 (1), 349-366, 2015
InvFEST, a database integrating information of polymorphic inversions in the human genome
A Martínez-Fundichely, S Casillas, R Egea, M Ramia, A Barbadilla, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D1027-D1032, 2014
Conservation of regulatory sequences and gene expression patterns in the disintegrating Drosophila Hox gene complex
B Negre, S Casillas, M Suzanne, E Sánchez-Herrero, M Akam, M Nefedov, ...
Genome research 15 (5), 692-700, 2005
Drosophila Evolution over Space and Time (DEST): A New Population Genomics Resource
M Kapun, JCB Nunez, M Bogaerts-Márquez, J Murga-Moreno, M Paris, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (12), 5782-5805, 2021
Selection efficiency and effective population size in Drosophila species
N Petit, A Barbadilla
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (3), 515-526, 2009
The theoretical distribution of lengths of intact chromosome segments around a locus held heterozygous with backcrossing in a diploid species.
H Naveira, A Barbadilla
Genetics 130 (1), 205-209, 1992
PopFly: the Drosophila population genomics browser
S Hervas, E Sanz, S Casillas, JE Pool, A Barbadilla
Bioinformatics 33 (17), 2779-2780, 2017
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