On the universal function for the class Lp [0, 1], p∈(0, 1) MG Grigoryan, AA Sargsyan
Journal of Functional Analysis 270 (8), 3111-3133, 2016
52 2016 On nonlinear approximation with respect to the Haar system and modifications of functions MG Grigoryan, SL Gogyan
Analysis Mathematica 32 (1), 49-80, 2006
30 2006 On the universal and strong -property related to Fourier–Walsh series MG Grigoryan
29 2017 On the-strong property of orthonormal systems MG Grigorian
Sbornik: Mathematics 194 (10), 1503, 2003
28 2003 On the universal functions MG Grigoryan, LN Galoyan
Journal of Approximation Theory 225, 191-208, 2018
27 2018 Modifications of functions, Fourier coefficients and nonlinear approximation MG Grigoryan
Sbornik: Mathematics 203 (3), 351, 2012
27 2012 Uniform convergence of the greedy algorithm with respect to the Walsh system M Grigoryan
Studia Mathematica 198, 197-206, 2010
25 2010 Non-linear approximation of continuous functions by the Faber-Schauder system MG Grigorian, AA Sargsyan
Sbornik: Mathematics 199 (5), 629, 2008
25 2008 The structure of universal functions for L^ p-spaces, p\in (0, 1) MG Grigoryan, AA Sargsyan
Sbornik: Mathematics 209 (1), 35, 2018
19 2018 On the uniform convergence of negative order Cesaro means of Fourier series MG Grigoryan, LN Galoyan
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 434 (1), 554-567, 2016
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 70 (2), 445, 1991
18 1991 Universal function for a weighted space A Sargsyan, M Grigoryan
Positivity 21, 1457-1482, 2017
16 2017 Functions with universal Fourier-Walsh series MG Grigoryan
Sbornik: Mathematics 211 (6), 850, 2020
15 2020 Universal functions incorrection'problems guaranteeing the convergence of Fourier-Walsh series MG Grigoryan, KA Navasardyan
Izvestiya: Mathematics 80 (6), 1057, 2016
15 2016 Luzin’s correction theorem and the coefficients of Fourier expansions in the Faber-Schauder system MG Grigoryan, VG Krotov
Mathematical Notes 93 (1), 217-223, 2013
14 2013 On behavior of Fourier coefficients by Walsh system MG Grigoryan, KA Navasardyan
Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis 51 (1), 21-33, 2016
13 2016 Convergence of Fourier series in classical systems LN Galoyan, MG Grigoryan, AK Kobelyan
Sbornik: Mathematics 206 (7), 941-979, 2015
13 2015 On some properties of orthogonal systems MG Grigoryan
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya 57 (5), 75-105, 1993
13 1993 On Fourier series that are universal modulo signs M Grigoryan, L Galoyan
Studia Mathematica 249 (2), 215-231, 2019
12 2019 On the universal function for weighted spaces , M Grigoryan, T Grigoryan, A Sargsyan
12 2018