Guilherme Luz Tortorella
Guilherme Luz Tortorella
Другие именаGuilherme Tortorella, Luz Tortorella Guilherme
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене unimelb.edu.au
Exploring Industry 4.0 technologies to enable circular economy practices in a manufacturing context: A business model proposal
DLM Nascimento, V Alencastro, OLG Quelhas, RGG Caiado, ...
Journal of manufacturing technology management 30 (3), 607-627, 2019
Implementation of Industry 4.0 and lean production in Brazilian manufacturing companies
GL Tortorella, D Fettermann
International journal of production research 56 (8), 2975-2987, 2018
Industry 4.0 adoption as a moderator of the impact of lean production practices on operational performance improvement
GL Tortorella, R Giglio, DH Van Dun
International journal of operations & production management 39 (6/7/8), 860-886, 2019
Organizational learning paths based upon industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study with Brazilian manufacturers
GL Tortorella, AMC Vergara, JA Garza-Reyes, R Sawhney
International Journal of Production Economics 219, 284-294, 2020
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on employee performance–moderating role of industry 4.0 base technologies
G Narayanamurthy, G Tortorella
International journal of production economics 234, 108075, 2021
How does Industry 4.0 contribute to operations management?
DC Fettermann, CGS Cavalcante, TD Almeida, GL Tortorella
Journal of industrial and Production Engineering 35 (4), 255-268, 2018
Industry 4.0 and Lean Manufacturing: A systematic literature review and future research directions
M Pagliosa, G Tortorella, JCE Ferreira
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32 (3), 543-569, 2021
The interrelation between Industry 4.0 and lean production: an empirical study on European manufacturers
M Rossini, F Costa, GL Tortorella, A Portioli-Staudacher
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 102, 3963-3976, 2019
Healthcare 4.0: trends, challenges and research directions
GL Tortorella, FS Fogliatto, A Mac Cawley Vergara, R Vassolo, ...
Production Planning & Control 31 (15), 1245-1260, 2020
Lean supply chain management: Empirical research on practices, contexts and performance
GL Tortorella, R Miorando, G Marodin
International Journal of Production Economics 193, 98-112, 2017
Effects of lean healthcare on patient flow: a systematic review
D Tlapa, CA Zepeda-Lugo, GL Tortorella, YA Baez-Lopez, ...
Value in Health 23 (2), 260-273, 2020
Lean product development and lean manufacturing: Testing moderation effects
G Marodin, AG Frank, GL Tortorella, T Netland
International Journal of Production Economics 203, 301-310, 2018
Contextual factors and lean production implementation in the Brazilian automotive supply chain
GA Marodin, AG Frank, GL Tortorella, TA Saurin
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (4), 417-432, 2016
Integration of industry 4.0 technologies into total productive maintenance practices
GL Tortorella, FS Fogliatto, PA Cauchick-Miguel, S Kurnia, D Jurburg
International Journal of Production Economics 240, 108224, 2021
The mediating effect of employees’ involvement on the relationship between Industry 4.0 and operational performance improvement
G Tortorella, R Miorando, R Caiado, D Nascimento, A Portioli Staudacher
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 32 (1-2), 119-133, 2021
Lean production and operational performance in the Brazilian automotive supply chain
GA Marodin, AG Frank, GL Tortorella, DC Fetterman
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 30 (3-4), 370-385, 2019
Lean manufacturing implementation: an assessment method with regards to socio-technical and ergonomics practices adoption
GL Tortorella, LGL Vergara, EP Ferreira
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 89, 3407-3418, 2017
Method for assessing human resources management practices and organisational learning factors in a company under lean manufacturing implementation
GL Tortorella, FS Fogliatto
International Journal of Production Research 52 (15), 4623-4645, 2014
Lean manufacturing implementation: leadership styles and contextual variables
GL Tortorella, D de Castro Fettermann, A Frank, G Marodin
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 38 (5), 1205-1227, 2018
Making the value flow: application of value stream mapping in a Brazilian public healthcare organisation
GL Tortorella, FS Fogliatto, M Anzanello, GA Marodin, M Garcia, ...
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28 (13-14), 1544-1558, 2017
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