Gopal Murali 🦎🐍🐸
Gopal Murali 🦎🐍🐸
DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow, Center for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
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Future temperature extremes threaten land vertebrates
G Murali, T Iwamura, S Meiri, U Roll
Nature, 461–467, 2023
Now you see me, now you don't: dynamic flash coloration as an antipredator strategy in motion
G Murali
Animal Behaviour 142, 207-220, 2018
Global determinants and conservation of evolutionary and geographic rarity in land vertebrates
G Murali, R Gumbs, S Meiri, U Roll
Science advances 7 (42), eabe5582, 2021
Deceived by stripes: conspicuous patterning on vital anterior body parts can redirect predatory strikes to expendable posterior organs
G Murali, U Kodandaramaiah
Royal Society Open Science 3 (6), 160057, 2016
Grab my tail: evolution of dazzle stripes and colourful tails in lizards
G Murali, S Merilaita, U Kodandaramaiah
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (11), 1675-1688, 2018
Emphasizing declining populations in the Living Planet Report. Nature 601
G Murali, GH de Oliveira Caetano, G Barki, S Meiri, U Roll
E20-E24.(doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04165-z) Crossref, PubMed, Web of Science, 2022
Body size and evolution of motion dazzle coloration in lizards
G Murali, U Kodandaramaiah
Behavioral Ecology 29 (1), 79-86, 2018
A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates
A Zimin, SV Zimin, R Shine, L Avila, A Bauer, M Böhm, R Brown, G Barki, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (12), 2437-2452, 2022
Dynamic colour change and the confusion effect against predation
G Murali, K Kumari, U Kodandaramaiah
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 274, 2019
Background complexity and optimal background matching camouflage
G Murali, S Mallick, U Kodandaramaiah
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-12, 2021
Different solutions lead to similar life history traits across the great divides of the amniote tree of life
S Meiri, G Murali, A Zimin, L Shak, Y Itescu, G Caetano, U Roll
Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 28, 1-17, 2021
What makes motion dazzle markings effective against predation?
U Kodandaramaiah, S Palathingal, G Bindu Kurup, G Murali
Behavioral Ecology 31 (1), 43-53, 2020
What affects power to estimate speciation rate shifts?
U Kodandaramaiah, G Murali
PeerJ 6 (e5495), 2018
Size and unpredictable movement together affect the effectiveness of dynamic flash coloration
G Murali, U Kodandaramaiah
Animal Behaviour 162, 87-93, 2020
Development of thioflavin-modified mesoporous silica framework for amyloid fishing
V Viswanathan, G Murali, S Gandhi, P Kumaraswamy, S Sethuraman, ...
Microporous and mesoporous materials 197, 40-47, 2014
Diversity gradients of terrestrial vertebrates–substantial variations about a common theme
T Raz, A Allison, LJ Avila, AM Bauer, M Böhm, GHO Caetano, G Colli, ...
Journal of Zoology 322 (2), 126-140, 2024
A global analysis of field body temperatures of active squamates in relation to climate and behaviour
S Dubiner, R Aguilar, RO Anderson, DM Arenas Moreno, LJ Avila, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 33 (4), e13808, 2024
Global evaluation of current and future threats to drylands and their vertebrate biodiversity
A Lewin, G Murali, S Rachmilevitch, U Roll
Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (8), 1448-1458, 2024
Chemical signalling glands are unlinked to species diversification in lizards
G Murali, S Meiri, U Roll
Evolution, 2023
Observations on the reproduction and feeding habit of a rare colubrid, Indian bridal Snake Lycodon nympha Daudin 1803 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Southern India
G Melvinselvan, D Nibedita, G Murali
Captive & Field Herpetology 2 (1), 16-22, 2018
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