Philip D Taylor
Philip D Taylor
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Connectivity is a vital element of landscape structure
PD Taylor, L Fahrig, K Henein, G Merriam
Oikos, 571-573, 1993
Effect of road traffic on amphibian density
L Fahrig, JH Pedlar, SE Pope, PD Taylor, JF Wegner
Biological conservation 73 (3), 177-182, 1995
Insect parasitoid species respond to forest structure at different spatial scales
J Roland, PD Taylor
Nature 386 (6626), 710-713, 1997
Landscape connectivity: a return to the basics
KW Taylor, Philip D, L. Fahrig
Connectivity conservation, 29-43, 2006
Declines of aerial insectivores in North America follow a geographic gradient
S Nebel, A Mills, J McCracken, P Taylor
Avian conservation and Ecology 5 (2), 2010
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: A collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement.
PD Taylor, TL Crewe, SA Mackenzie, D Lepage, Y Aubry, Z Crysler, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 12 (1), 2017
An experimental assessment of landscape connectivity
J Pither, PD Taylor
Oikos, 166-174, 1998
Independent effects of fragmentation on forest songbirds: an organism‐based approach
MG Betts, GJ Forbes, AW Diamond, PD Taylor
Ecological Applications 16 (3), 1076-1089, 2006
Transoceanic migration by a 12 g songbird
WV DeLuca, BK Woodworth, CC Rimmer, PP Marra, PD Taylor, ...
Biology letters 11 (4), 20141045, 2015
Landscape movements of migratory birds and bats reveal an expanded scale of stopover
PD Taylor, SA Mackenzie, BG Thurber, AM Calvert, AM Mills, LP McGuire, ...
PLoS One 6 (11), e27054, 2011
Migratory stopover in the long‐distance migrant silver‐haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans
LP McGuire, CG Guglielmo, SA Mackenzie, PD Taylor
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (2), 377-385, 2012
Wing morphology of a forest damselfly is related to landscape structure
PD Taylor, G Merriam
Oikos, 43-48, 1995
Bird interactions with offshore oil and gas platforms: Review of impacts and monitoring techniques
RA Ronconi, KA Allard, PD Taylor
Journal of Environmental Management 147, 34-45, 2015
Fuel loads acquired at a stopover site influence the pace of intercontinental migration in a boreal songbird
C Gómez, NJ Bayly, DR Norris, SA Mackenzie, KV Rosenberg, PD Taylor, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 3405, 2017
Using eBird data to model population change of migratory bird species
J Walker, PD Taylor
Avian Conservation and Ecology 12 (1), 4, 2017
Passerines use nocturnal flights for landscape-scale movements during migration stopover
AM Mills, BG Thurber, SA Mackenzie, PD Taylor
The Condor 113 (3), 597-607, 2011
Automated telemetry reveals age specific differences in flight duration and speed are driven by wind conditions in a migratory songbird
GW Mitchell, BK Woodworth, PD Taylor, DR Norris
Movement ecology 3, 1-13, 2015
In Situ Behavioral Response of Common Loons Associated with Elevated Mercury (Hg) Exposure
JJ Nocera, PD Taylor
Conservation Ecology 2 (2), 1998
Fine‐scale movement behaviors of calopterygid damselflies are influenced by landscape structure: an experimental manipulation
ID Jonsen, PD Taylor
Oikos 88 (3), 553-562, 2000
Nonbreeding-season drivers of population dynamics in seasonal migrants: conservation parallels across taxa.
AM Calvert, SJ Walde, PD Taylor
Avian Conservation & Ecology 4 (2), 2009
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