Общедоступные статьи - Peter J.C. DickinsonПодробнее...
4 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
A new certificate for copositivity
PJC Dickinson
Linear algebra and its applications 569, 15-37, 2019
Финансирование: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
A new approximation hierarchy for polynomial conic optimization
PJC Dickinson, J Povh
Computational Optimization and Applications 73 (1), 37–67, 2019
Финансирование: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Slovenian Research Agency
Generating irreducible copositive matrices using the stable set problem
PJC Dickinson, R de Zeeuw
Discrete applied mathematics 296, 103-117, 2021
Финансирование: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Notoriously hard (mixed-) binary QPs: empirical evidence on new completely positive approaches
IM Bomze, J Cheng, PJC Dickinson, A Lisser, J Liu
Computational Management Science 16 (4), 593–619, 2019
Финансирование: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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