Linear feedback control and estimation of transition in plane channel flow M Högberg, TR Bewley, DS Henningson
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103 2003 Linear optimal control applied to instabilities in spatially developing boundary layers M Högberg, DS Henningson
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Optimal Control of Boundary Layer Transition, 123, 2001
18 * 2001 Linear feedback control and estimation of transition in plane channel flow M HGBERG, TR BEWLEY, DANS HENNINGSON
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6 2002 Numerical approaches to optimal control of a model equation for shear flow instabilities M Högberg, M Berggren
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6 2000 Optimal feedback control applied to boundary layer flow DS Henningson, M Högberg, M Chevalier
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5 2005 Linear optimal control applied to instabilities in spatial boundary layers M Högberg, DS Henningson
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5 2001 Decentralized feedback control and estimation of transition in plane channel flow M Högberg, TR Bewley
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4 2001 Linear optimal control applied to instabilities in spatial boundary layers. Submitted to M Hogberg, DS Henningson
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3 2001 Optimal control of transition initiated by oblique waves in channel flow M Hogberg, TR Bewley, M Berggren, DS Henningson
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2 2005 Optimal control of wall bounded flows M Högberg, M Chevalier, M Berggren, DS Henningson
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2 2001 Optimal control of bypass transition M Hogberg, DS Henningson, M Berggren
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