Paulo F. Teixeira
Paulo F. Teixeira
CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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High speed and track deterioration: the role of vertical stiffness of the track
AL Pita, PF Teixeira, F Robuste
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2004
Axlebox accelerations: Their acquisition and time–frequency characterisation for railway track monitoring purposes
P Salvador, V Naranjo, R Insa, P Teixeira
Measurement 82, 301-312, 2016
Statistical modelling of railway track geometry degradation using Hierarchical Bayesian models
AR Andrade, PF Teixeira
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 142, 169-183, 2015
A Bayesian model to assess rail track geometry degradation through its life-cycle
AR Andrade, PF Teixeira
Research in transportation economics 36 (1), 1-8, 2012
Uncertainty in rail-track geometry degradation: Lisbon-Oporto line case study
AR Andrade, PF Teixeira
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (3), 193-200, 2011
Optimisation model to schedule railway track renewal operations: a life-cycle cost approach
LF Caetano, PF Teixeira
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11 (11), 1524-1536, 2015
Biobjective optimization model for maintenance and renewal decisions related to rail track geometry
AR Andrade, PF Teixeira
Transportation research record 2261 (1), 163-170, 2011
Contribución a la reducción de los costes de mantenimiento de vías de alta velocidad mediante la opitimización de su rigidez vertical
PF Teixeira
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004
Availability approach to optimizing railway track renewal operations
LF Caetano, PF Teixeira
Journal of Transportation Engineering 139 (9), 941-948, 2013
Improvements in high-speed ballasted track design: Benefits of bituminous subballast layers
PF Teixeira, A López-Pita, C Casas, A Bachiller, F Robuste
Transportation research record 1943 (1), 43-49, 2006
Predictive maintenance model for ballast tamping
LF Caetano, PF Teixeira
Journal of Transportation Engineering 142 (4), 04016006, 2016
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of rail track geometry degradation
AR Andrade, PF Teixeira
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2013
Utilization of asphalt/bituminous layers and coatings in railway trackbeds: a compendium of international applications
JG Rose, PF Teixeira, NE Ridgway
Joint Rail Conference 49064, 239-255, 2010
The use of bituminous subballast on future high-speed lines in Spain: structural design and economical impact
PF Teixeira, PA Ferreira, AL Pita, C Casas, A Bachiller
International Journal of Railway 2 (1), 1-7, 2009
International design practices, applications and performances of asphalt/bituminous railway trackbeds
JG Rose, PF Teixeira, P Veit
GEORAIL 2011 (géotechnique ferroviaire: Paris, 19-20 mai 2011, Volume 1), 99-119, 2011
New possibilities to reduce track costs on high-speed lines using a bituminous sub-ballast layer
PF Teixeira, A López Pita, PA Ferreira
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 11 (4), 301-307, 2010
Maintenance costs of high-speed lines in Europe state of the art
A Lopez-Pita, PF Teixeira, C Casas, A Bachiller, PA Ferreira
Transportation research record 2043 (1), 13-19, 2008
Impact of bituminous subballast on railroad track deformation considering atmospheric actions
TM Ferreira, PF Teixeira, R Cardoso
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 137 (3), 288-292, 2011
Evolution of track geometric quality in high-speed lines: Ten years experience of the Madrid-Seville line
A López-Pita, PF Teixeira, C Casas, L Ubalde, F Robusté
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2007
Track stiffness considerations for high speed railway lines
M Burrow, PF Teixeira, T Dahlberg, E Berggren
Railway transportation: policies, technology and perspectives, 303-354, 2009
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