Chris T. Kiranoudis
Chris T. Kiranoudis
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене chemeng.ntua.gr
Dynamic modeling and control of supply chain systems: A review
H Sarimveis, P Patrinos, CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
Computers & operations research 35 (11), 3530-3561, 2008
Equilibrium moisture content and heat of desorption of some vegetables
CT Kiranoudis, ZB Maroulis, E Tsami, D Marinos-Kouris
Journal of Food engineering 20 (1), 55-74, 1993
A fuzzy modeling application of CREAM methodology for human reliability analysis
M Konstandinidou, Z Nivolianitou, C Kiranoudis, N Markatos
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 91 (6), 706-716, 2006
A threshold accepting metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem
CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis, VS Vassiliadis
European Journal of Operational Research 152 (1), 148-158, 2004
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick-up service
EE Zachariadis, CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
Expert Systems with applications 36 (2), 1070-1081, 2009
A guided tabu search for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints
EE Zachariadis, CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
European Journal of Operational Research 195 (3), 729-743, 2009
A GIS-based decision support system for planning urban transportation policies
G Arampatzis, CT Kiranoudis, P Scaloubacas, D Assimacopoulos
European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2), 465-475, 2004
A background subtraction algorithm for detecting and tracking vehicles
NA Mandellos, I Keramitsoglou, CT Kiranoudis
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 1619-1631, 2011
A meta-heuristic algorithm for the efficient distribution of perishable foods
CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
Journal of food Engineering 50 (1), 1-9, 2001
Automatic identification of oil spills on satellite images
I Keramitsoglou, C Cartalis, CT Kiranoudis
Environmental modelling & software 21 (5), 640-652, 2006
Distribution of fresh meat
CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
Journal of Food Engineering 51 (1), 85-91, 2002
A Web-based ERP system for business services and supply chain management: Application to real-world process scheduling
CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis, ND Theodorakopoulos
European Journal of Operational Research 187 (3), 1310-1326, 2008
BoneRoute: An adaptive memory-based method for effective fleet management
CD Tarantilis, CT Kiranoudis
Annals of operations Research 115, 227-241, 2002
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the integrated vehicle routing and three-dimensional container-loading problem
CD Tarantilis, EE Zachariadis, CT Kiranoudis
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 10 (2), 255-271, 2009
Identification and analysis of urban surface temperature patterns in Greater Athens, Greece, using MODIS imagery
I Keramitsoglou, CT Kiranoudis, G Ceriola, Q Weng, U Rajasekar
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3080-3090, 2011
Statistical analysis of domino chemical accidents
SP Kourniotis, CT Kiranoudis, NC Markatos
Journal of hazardous materials 71 (1-3), 239-252, 2000
Drying kinetics of some fruits
CT Kiranoudis, E Tsami, ZB Maroulis, D Marinos-Kouris
Drying technology 15 (5), 1399-1418, 1997
A GIS based operational system for wildland fire crisis management I. Mathematical modelling and simulation
D Vakalis, H Sarimveis, C Kiranoudis, A Alexandridis, G Bafas
Applied Mathematical Modelling 28 (4), 389-410, 2004
Solving the open vehicle routeing problem via a single parameter metaheuristic algorithm
CD Tarantilis, G Ioannou, CT Kiranoudis, GP Prastacos
Journal of the Operational research Society 56 (5), 588-596, 2005
Effect of pretreatment on color of dehydrated products
MK Krokida, CT Kiranoudis, ZB Maroulis, D Marinos-Kouris
Drying Technology 18 (6), 1239-1250, 2000
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