Halil Basturk
Halil Basturk
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Adaptive sinusoidal disturbance cancellation for unknown LTI systems despite input delay
HI Basturk, M Krstic
Automatica 58, 131-138, 2015
State derivative feedback for adaptive cancellation of unmatched disturbances in unknown strict-feedback LTI systems
HI Basturk, M Krstic
Automatica 50 (10), 2539-2545, 2014
Adaptive wave cancelation by acceleration feedback for ramp-connected air cushion-actuated surface effect ships
HI Basturk, M Krstic
Automatica 49 (9), 2591-2602, 2013
Adaptive cancellation of matched unknown sinusoidal disturbances for LTI systems by state derivative feedback
H Basturk, M Krstic
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 153, 2013
Adaptive backstepping cancellation of unmatched unknown sinusoidal disturbances for LTI systems by state derivative feedback
H Basturk, M Krstic
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012
Adaptive cancellation of matched unknown sinusoidal disturbances for LTI systems by state derivative feedback
H Basturk, M Krstic
ASME Dynamics and Control Conference, 2011
Observer-based boundary control design for the suppression of stick–slip oscillations in drilling systems with only surface measurements
H Ibrahim Basturk
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 139 (10), 104501, 2017
An adaptive control approach for semi-active suspension systems under unknown road disturbance input using hardware-in-the-loop simulation
G Kararsiz, M Paksoy, M Metin, HI Basturk
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 43 (5), 995-1008, 2021
Output feedback control for unknown LTI systems driven by unknown periodic disturbances
CT Yilmaz, HI Basturk
Automatica 99, 112-119, 2019
Cancellation of unmatched biased sinusoidal disturbances for unknown LTI systems in the presence of state delay
HI Basturk
Automatica 76, 169-176, 2017
A backstepping approach for an active suspension system
HI Basturk
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 7579-7584, 2016
Design, implementation, and evaluation of a backstepping control algorithm for an active ankle–foot orthosis
O Kirtas, Y Savas, M Bayraker, F Baskaya, H Basturk, E Samur
Control Engineering Practice 106, 104667, 2021
Adaptive attitude and altitude control of a quadrotor despite unknown wind disturbances
H Demircioglu, HI Bastürk
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 274-279, 2017
Backstepping boundary control of a wave PDE with spatially distributed time invariant unknown disturbances
HI Basturk, IU Ayberk
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (8), 3469-3475, 2018
Adaptive cancelation of matched unknown sinusoidal disturbances for unknown LTI systems by state derivative feedback
Hİ Baştürk, M Krstic
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 1149-1154, 2012
Adaptive output regulator for wave PDEs with unknown harmonic disturbance
CT Yilmaz, HI Basturk
Automatica 113, 108808, 2020
Adaptive backstepping control design for active suspension systems actuated by four-way valve-piston
Y Savas, HI Basturk
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 438-443, 2017
Pitch control design for tandem lifting body catamaran by aft lifting body actuation
HI Basturk, B Rosenthal, M Krstic
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (2), 700-707, 2014
Rejection of sinusoidal disturbances for known LTI systems in the presence of output delay
CT Yilmaz, HI Basturk
Automatica 92, 41-48, 2018
A backstepping control design for an active ankle-foot orthosis
Y Savas, O Kirtas, H Bastürk, E Samur
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 262-267, 2017
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