Luana Poliseli
Luana Poliseli
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене wur.nl
Relating traditional and academic ecological knowledge: mechanistic and holistic epistemologies across cultures
D Ludwig, L Poliseli
Biology & Philosophy 33, 1-19, 2018
Beyond the divide between indigenous and academic knowledge: Causal and mechanistic explanations in a Brazilian fishing community
CN El-Hani, L Poliseli, D Ludwig
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 91, 296-306, 2022
Global epistemologies and philosophies of science
D Ludwig, I Koskinen, Z Mncube, L Poliseli, L Reyes-Galindo
Routeldge, 2021
Taking fishers’ knowledge and its implications to fisheries policy seriously
V Renck, D Ludwig, P Bollettin, JA Reis-Filho, L Poliseli, CN El-Hani
Ecology and Society 28 (2), 2023
Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building
L Poliseli, JGE Coutinho, B Viana, F Russo, CN El-Hani
Biology & Philosophy 37 (4), 21, 2022
Diversity regained: precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment
MPV Franco, O Molnár, C Dorninger, A Laciny, M Treven, J Weger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 825, 154029, 2022
Transdisciplinary philosophy of science: Meeting the challenge of indigenous expertise
D Ludwig, CN El-Hani, F Gatti, C Kendig, M Kramm, L Neco, AN Delgado, ...
Philosophy of Science 91 (5), 1221-1231, 2024
Developing transdisciplinary practices: An interplay between disagreement and trust
L Poliseli, CMP Leite
Global epistemologies and philosophies of science, 77-91, 2021
Emergence of scientific understanding in real-time ecological research practice
L Poliseli
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4), 51, 2020
Experimental philosophy
J Kiper, S Stich, HC Barrett, E Machery
Global epistemologies and philosophies of science, 61-73, 2021
O Arcabouço filosófico da biologia proposto por Ernst Mayr
L Poliseli, EF de Oliveira, ML Christoffersen
Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência 6 (1), 106-120, 2013
When ecology and philosophy meet: Constructing explanations and assessing understanding in scientific practice
L Poliseli
Instituto de Física, 2019
Conhecimento Pesqueiro e o Defeso: Preenchendo uma Lacuna Necessária
V Renck, D Ludwig, IJ Santos, VC dos Santos, FA da Conceição, ...
Ethnobiology and Conservation 12 (4), 2023
Imagination in science
L Poliseli, C El-Hani
Conhecimento Tradicional e Políticas Públicas: preenchendo uma lacuna necessária
V Renck, D Ludwig, I de Jesus Santos, VC dos Santos, FA da Conceição, ...
Ethnobiology and Conservation 12, 2023
Philosophy of science in practice and weak scientism together apart
L Poliseli, F Russo
For and Against Scientism: Science, Methodology, and the Future of …, 2022
Textos selecionados de filosofia da ciência II
L Poliseli
NEPFIL, 2021
Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science
I Koskinen, D Ludwig, Z Mncube, L Poliseli, L Reyes-Galindo
Inter-and transdisciplinary reasoning for action: the case of an arts–sciences–humanities intervention on climate change
L Poliseli, G Caniglia
Sustainability Science 19 (3), 949-965, 2024
Sustainability Science as a Management Science
M Nagatsu, H Thorén, D Ludwig, I Koskinen, Z Mncube, L Poliseli, ...
Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science, 2022
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