Общедоступные статьи - Natalia V. IvanovaПодробнее...
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Genetic diversity of northeastern Palaearctic bats as revealed by DNA barcodes
SV Kruskop, AV Borisenko, NV Ivanova, BK Lim, JL Eger
Acta Chiropterologica 14 (1), 1-14, 2012
Финансирование: Genome Canada
33 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
Universal primer cocktails for fish DNA barcoding
NV Ivanova, TS Zemlak, RH Hanner, PDN Hebert
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (4), 544-548, 2007
Финансирование: Genome Canada
An inexpensive, automation‐friendly protocol for recovering high‐quality DNA
NV Ivanova, JR Dewaard, PDN Hebert
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (4), 998-1002, 2006
Финансирование: Genome Canada
A single-laboratory validated method for the generation of DNA barcodes for the identification of fish for regulatory compliance
SM Handy, JR Deeds, NV Ivanova, PDN Hebert, RH Hanner, A Ormos, ...
Journal of AOAC International 94 (1), 201-210, 2011
Финансирование: Genome Canada
DNA barcoding in surveys of small mammal communities: a field study in Suriname
AV Borisenko, BK Lim, NV Ivanova, RH Hanner, PDN Hebert
Molecular Ecology Resources 8 (3), 471-479, 2008
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Validation of COI metabarcoding primers for terrestrial arthropods
V Elbrecht, TWA Braukmann, NV Ivanova, SWJ Prosser, M Hajibabaei, ...
PeerJ, 2019
Финансирование: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
A Sequel to Sanger: amplicon sequencing that scales
PDN Hebert, TWA Braukmann, SWJ Prosser, S Ratnasingham, ...
BMC genomics 19 (1), 219, 2018
Финансирование: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
Species identification in cell culture: a two-pronged molecular approach
JK Cooper, G Sykes, S King, K Cottrill, NV Ivanova, R Hanner, P Ikonomi
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 43, 344-351, 2007
Финансирование: Genome Canada
FISH-BOL and seafood identification: Geographically dispersed case studies reveal systemic market substitution across Canada
R Hanner, S Becker, NV Ivanova, D Steinke
Mitochondrial DNA 22 (sup1), 106-122, 2011
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Using DNA barcodes to connect adults and early life stages of marine fishes from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: potential in fisheries management
M Valdez-Moreno, L Vásquez-Yeomans, M Elías-Gutiérrez, NV Ivanova, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (6), 655-671, 2010
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Semi-automated, membrane-based protocol for DNA isolation from plants
NV Ivanova, AJ Fazekas, PDN Hebert
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 26 (3), 186-198, 2008
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Metabarcoding a diverse arthropod mock community
TWA Braukmann, NV Ivanova, SWJ Prosser, V Elbrecht, D Steinke, ...
Moleculat Ecology Resources 19 (3), 711– 727, 2019
Финансирование: Canada First Research Excellence Fund
DNA barcodes for Cladocera and Copepoda from Mexico and Guatemala, highlights and new discoveries
M Elias-Gutierrez, FM Jerónimo, NV Ivanova, M Valdez-Moreno, ...
Zootaxa 1839, 1-42, 2008
Финансирование: Genome Canada
DNA barcoding in mammals
NV Ivanova, EL Clare, AV Borisenko
DNA barcodes: Methods and protocols, 153-182, 2012
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Biodiversity inventories in high gear: DNA barcoding facilitates a rapid biotic survey of a temperate nature reserve
AC Telfer, MR Young, J Quinn, K Perez, CN Sobel, JE Sones, ...
Biodiversity data journal, 2015
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Authentication of Herbal Supplements Using Next-Generation Sequencing.
NV Ivanova, ML Kuzmina, TWA Braukmann, AV Borisenko, EV Zakharov
PLoS ONE 11 (5), e0156426, 2016
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Fungal communities decline with urbanization—more in air than in soil
N Abrego, B Crosier, P Somervuo, N Ivanova, A Abrahamyan, A Abdi, ...
The ISME journal 14 (11), 2806-2815, 2020
Финансирование: Academy of Finland, Research Council of Norway
A reference library for Canadian invertebrates with 1.5 million barcodes, voucher specimens, and DNA samples
JR DeWaard, S Ratnasingham, EV Zakharov, AV Borisenko, D Steinke, ...
Scientific Data 6 (1), 308, 2019
Финансирование: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
Protocols for dry DNA storage and shipment at room temperature
NV Ivanova, ML Kuzmina
Molecular ecology resources 13 (5), 890-898, 2013
Финансирование: Genome Canada
Express barcodes: racing from specimen to identification
NV Ivanova, AV Borisenko, PDN Hebert
Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 35-41, 2009
Финансирование: Genome Canada
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