The Effects of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training on Stress and Mixed Urinary Incontinence and Quality Of Life D Sar, L Khorshid Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing 36 (4), 429-435, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
Physical restraint use in Turkish intensive care units A San Turgay, D Sari, RE Genc Clinical Nurse Specialist 23 (2), 68-72, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
Ethical Decision Making Levels of Nursing Students D Sari, E Baysal, GG Celik, I Eser Pakistan journal of medical sciences 34 (3), 724, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Knowledge, attitudes, risk factors, and early detection of cancer relevant to the schoolteachers in Izmir, Turkey A San Turgay, D Sarı, EÇ Türkistanlı Preventive medicine 40 (6), 636-641, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Attitudes of Turkish Nursing Students Toward Elderly People, European Geriatric Medicine, 6, 267-270. AS Türgay, S Şahin, FŞ Aykar, D Sarı, A Badır, ZC Özer European Geriatric Medicine 6 (3), 267-270, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Effect of an aged simulation suit on nursing students’ attitudes and empathy D Sari, N Taskiran, E Baysal, E Acar, R Cevik Akyil European Geriatric Medicine, 1-9, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
Investigation of Turkish nurses frequency and knowledge of administration of intramuscular injections to the ventrogluteal site: Results from questionnaires D Sari, M Şahin, E Yaşar, N Taşkiran, S Telli Nurse Education Today 56, 47-51, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Breast cancer risk and early diagnosis applications in Turkish women aged 50 and over E Ceber, G Mermer, F Okcin, D Sari, M Demireloz, A Eksioglu, F Ogce, ... Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 14 (10), 5877-5882, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Acil Servis Hemşirelerinin Etik Duyarlılıklarının İncelenmesi, B Fırat, G Karataş, A Barut, G Metin, D Sarı Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 10 (4), 229 …, 2017 | 34* | 2017 |
Intensive care unit nurses' knowledge of medication administration via enteral tubes D Sari, D Kadifeli, A Akbiyik, N Taşkiran Nursing in critical care 23 (3), 141-146, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Interactive videoconference supported teaching in undergraduate nursing: A case study for ECG U Celikkan, F Senuzun, D Sari, YG Sahin Journal of Educational Technology & Society 16 (1), 286-294, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Determination of knowledge of Turkish midwifery students about human papilloma virus infection and its vaccines RE Genc, ES Sarican, AS Turgay, S Icke, D Sari, BK Saydam Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 14 (11), 6775-6778, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Research activities and perceptions of barriers to research utilization among Turkish nurses D Sari, AS Turgay, RE Genc, OD Bozkurt The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 43 (6), 251-258, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Ethical decision-making levels of oncology nurses E Baysal, D Sari, H Erdem Nursing ethics 26 (7-8), 2204-2212, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Kanser hastalarına bakım veren yakınlarının uyku kalitesi ve depresyon düzeyleri D Sarı, İ Eşer, L Khorshid Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 26 (1), 1-10, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Examining the effect of simulation-based learning on intravenous therapy administration'knowledge, performance, and clinical assessment skills of first-year nursing students DU Yilmaz, D Sari Nurse Education Today 102, 104924, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yaşlı bireylere yönelik tutumları ve empatik yaklaşım becerileri E Baysal, D Sarı, N Taşkıran, E Acar, RÇ Akyıl Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2), 80-87, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Hijyen Davranışlarının Karşılaştırılması N TAŞKIRAN, L KHORSHID, D SARI Sağlık ve Toplum, 65-78, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Determination of sunburn and skin cancer risk of outpatients in a dermatology polyclinic A San Turgay, D Sari, M Can, RE Genc Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 6, 143-146, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Bornova’da Yaşayan 20 Yaş ve Üzeri Kadınlarda Üriner İnkontinans Prevelansı ve Risk Faktörleri Urinary Incontinence Prevelance and Risk Factors in Women at the Age of 20 and … U YÜCEL, A HADIMLI, YÇ KOÇAK, AB EKŞİOĞLU, D SARI, BK SAYDAM Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 5 (3), 414-423, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |