Jue Zhang
Jue Zhang
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене pku.edu.cn
Distinguishing Dirac/Majorana sterile neutrinos at the LHC
CO Dib, CS Kim, K Wang, J Zhang
Physical Review D 94 (1), 013005, 2016
Electroweak vacuum stability and diphoton excess at 750 GeV
J Zhang, S Zhou
Chinese Physics C 40 (8), 081001, 2016
Renormalisation group corrections to the littlest seesaw model and maximal atmospheric mixing
SF King, J Zhang, S Zhou
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (12), 23, 2016
Consensus of self-driven agents with avoidance of collisions
L Peng, Y Zhao, B Tian, J Zhang, BH Wang, HT Zhang, T Zhou
Physical Review E 79 (2), 026113, 2009
Gravitational clustering of cosmic relic neutrinos in the Milky Way
J Zhang, X Zhang
Nature communications 9 (1), 1833, 2018
A further study of the Frampton-Glashow-Yanagida model for neutrino masses, flavor mixing and baryon number asymmetry
J Zhang, S Zhou
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (9), 65, 2015
Searching for weak singlet charged scalar at the Large Hadron Collider
QH Cao, G Li, KP Xie, J Zhang
Physical Review D 97 (11), 115036, 2018
reflection symmetry embedded in minimal seesaw
N Nath, Z Xing, J Zhang
The European Physical Journal C 78 (4), 289, 2018
Relic right-handed Dirac neutrinos and implications for detection of cosmic neutrino background
J Zhang, S Zhou
Nuclear Physics B 903, 211-225, 2016
Accelerating consensus of self-driven swarm via adaptive speed
J Zhang, Y Zhao, B Tian, L Peng, HT Zhang, BH Wang, T Zhou
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (7), 1237-1242, 2009
and the flavor ring
J Kile, MJ Pérez, P Ramond, J Zhang
Physical Review D 90 (1), 013004, 2014
Majorana neutrino masses from neutrinoless double-beta decays and lepton-number-violating meson decays
JH Liu, J Zhang, S Zhou
Physics Letters B 760, 571-576, 2016
Mixing supersymmetry and family symmetry breakings
MJ Pérez, P Ramond, J Zhang
Physical Review D 87 (3), 035021, 2013
Looking into analytical approximations for three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter
YF Li, J Zhang, S Zhou, J Zhu
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (12), 109, 2016
Viability of exact tri-bimaximal, golden-ratio and bimaximal mixing patterns and renormalization-group running effects
J Zhang, S Zhou
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (9), 167, 2016
Radiative corrections to the solar lepton mixing sum rule
J Zhang, S Zhou
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (8), 24, 2016
Determination of neutrino mass ordering in future -based neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments
J Zhang, S Zhou
Physical Review D 93 (1), 016008, 2016
Improved statistical determination of absolute neutrino masses via radiative emission of neutrino pairs from atoms
J Zhang, S Zhou
Physical Review D 93 (11), 113020, 2016
Confronting four zero neutrino Yukawa textures with -dominated leptogenesis
J Zhang
Physical Review D 91 (7), 073012, 2015
Searching for weak singlet charged scalars at lepton colliders
QH Cao, G Li, KP Xie, J Zhang
Physical Review D 99 (1), 015027, 2019
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