Cai Yunpeng
Cai Yunpeng
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене sjtu.edu.cn
High hardness dual-phase high entropy alloy thin films produced by interface alloying
YP Cai, GJ Wang, YJ Ma, ZH Cao, XK Meng
Scripta Materialia 162, 281-285, 2019
Achieving simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility in Al matrix composites by employing the synergetic strengthening effect of micro-and nano-SiCps
K Liu, Y Su, X Wang, Y Cai, H Cao, Q Ouyang, D Zhang
Composites Part B: Engineering 248, 110350, 2023
Evolution of interfacial character and its influence on strain hardening in dual-phase high entropy alloys at nanoscale
ZH Cao, GY Zhai, YJ Ma, LP Ding, PF Li, HL Liu, HM Lu, YP Cai, GJ Wang, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 145, 103081, 2021
High strength dual-phase high entropy alloys with a tunable nanolayer thickness
ZH Cao, YJ Ma, YP Cai, GJ Wang, XK Meng
Scripta Materialia 173, 149-153, 2019
Tailoring strength and plasticity of Ag/Nb nanolaminates via intrinsic microstructure and extrinsic dimension
ZH Cao, YP Cai, C Sun, YJ Ma, MZ Wei, Q Li, HM Lu, H Wang, X Zhang, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 113, 145-157, 2019
Ultrastrong and stiff carbon nanotube/aluminum–copper nanocomposite via enhancing friction between carbon nanotubes
GJ Wang, YP Cai, YJ Ma, SC Tang, JA Syed, ZH Cao, XK Meng
Nano Letters 19 (9), 6255-6262, 2019
Fabrication, microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of B4C microparticles and SiC nanowires hybrid reinforced aluminum matrix composites
A Hua, Y Su, Y Cai, X Wang, K Liu, H Cao, D Zhang, Q Ouyang
Materials Characterization 193, 112243, 2022
Overcoming the strength-conductivity trade-off dilemma in carbon nanotube/aluminum-copper fibers by diffusion interface and chemical reaction interface
GJ Wang, YJ Ma, YP Cai, ZH Cao, XK Meng
Carbon 146, 293-300, 2019
Nanolamellar medium entropy alloy composites with high strength and large plasticity
Z Cao, Y Ma, Y Cai, G Wang, G Pan, H Ren, G Zhai, Z Zhang, P Li, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 873, 159775, 2021
Effect of reinforcement volume fraction and T6 heat treatment on microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber reinforced aluminum …
C Zhu, X Wang, Q Cui, S Gu, K Liu, Y Cai, Y Su, D Zhang, Q Ouyang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 834, 142469, 2022
Effect of Sc microalloying on fabrication, microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCp/Al–Cu–Mg-Sc composites via powder metallurgy
Y Cai, Y Su, K Liu, A Hua, X Wang, H Cao, D Zhang, Q Ouyang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 877, 145152, 2023
Improvement of interface and electrical properties in carbon nanotube/nanocrystalline copper composite films
G Wang, C Sun, Y Cai, Y Ma, JA Syed, H Wang, Z Cao, X Meng
Materials Chemistry and Physics 223, 374-379, 2019
Enhanced thermal stability by heterogeneous interface and columnar grain in nanoscale Cu/Ru multilayers
YJ Ma, YP Cai, GJ Wang, MJ Cui, C Sun, ZH Cao, XK Meng
Materials Science and Engineering: A 742, 751-759, 2019
Balanced strength and ductility in B4C/SiC/2024Al composite with multimodal grain structure achieved by multistep ball milling and powder metallurgy
A Hua, Y Su, Y Cai, H Cao, K Liu, L Guan, D Zhang, Q Ouyang
Materials Characterization 201, 112896, 2023
Grain structure tailoring strategy for heterogeneous lamella SiCp/2024Al composites with exceptional strength-ductility synergy
K Liu, Q Cui, L Shi, J Yang, Y Cai, Y Su, Q Ouyang, D Zhang
Composites Part B: Engineering 280, 111491, 2024
Ultrastable cyclic bending response of carbon nanotube/copper laminate composite film
GJ Wang, YP Cai, YJ Ma, ZH Cao, XK Meng
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 121, 189-195, 2019
Tuning lamella spacings for simultaneous strength-ductility improvements in heterogeneous lamella SiCp/2024Al composites
K Liu, Q Cui, L Shi, Y Cai, A Hua, Y Su, Q Ouyang, D Zhang
Materials & Design 249, 113510, 2025
Strengthened high-temperature resistance in B4C/SiC/2024Al composite via SiC nanowires pinning grain boundary
A Hua, Y Su, Y Cai, D Zhang, Q Ouyang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1000, 175046, 2024
Enhanced intragranular precipitation strengthening in Sc-microalloyed ultrafine-grained SiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composites via retrogression and re-ageing heat treatment
Y Cai, K Liu, Y Dong, A Hua, Y Su, Q Ouyang, D Zhang
Materials & Design, 113789, 2025
Enhancing Dislocation Obstacles in 6013al Composites Via Intragranular Cnt/Sic Nano-Dispersoids Combined with High-Density Stacking Faults
N Su, K Liu, Y Su, Y Cai, Y Dong, A Hua, L Guan, H Cao, Y Liu, Q Ouyang, ...
Sic Nano-Dispersoids Combined with High-Density Stacking Faults, 0
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