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694 2017 Adaptive consensus output regulation of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown high-frequency gain Z Ding
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222 2015 Consensus output regulation of a class of heterogeneous nonlinear systems Z Ding
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222 2013 Global stabilization and disturbance suppression of a class of nonlinear systems with uncertain internal model Z Ding
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210 2003 Distributed adaptive controllers for cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous agents over directed graphs Z Li, MZQ Chen, Z Ding
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190 2019 Decentralized Adaptive Event-Triggered Filtering for a Class of Networked Nonlinear Interconnected Systems Z Gu, P Shi, D Yue, Z Ding
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189 2018 Distributed adaptive convex optimization on directed graphs via continuous-time algorithms Z Li, Z Ding, J Sun, Z Li
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185 2017 Fixed-time formation control of multirobot systems: Design and experiments C Wang, H Tnunay, Z Zuo, B Lennox, Z Ding
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182 2018 Adaptive optimal control for a class of nonlinear systems: The online policy iteration approach S He, H Fang, M Zhang, F Liu, Z Ding
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176 2019 Predictor-based extended-state-observer design for consensus of MASs with delays and disturbances C Wang, Z Zuo, Z Qi, Z Ding
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162 2018 Off-Policy Interleaved -Learning: Optimal Control for Affine Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems J Li, T Chai, FL Lewis, Z Ding, Y Jiang
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142 2018 Distributed optimal coordination for heterogeneous linear multiagent systems with event-triggered mechanisms Z Li, Z Wu, Z Li, Z Ding
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