Carlos Eduardo Pinedo
Carlos Eduardo Pinedo
Coordenador de Pós Graduação - UMC
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене heattech.com.br
On the formation of expanded austenite during plasma nitriding of an AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel
N Mingolo, AP Tschiptschin, CE Pinedo
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (7), 4215-4218, 2006
On the kinetics of plasma nitriding a martensitic stainless steel type AISI 420
CE Pinedo, WA Monteiro
Surface and Coatings Technology 179 (2-3), 119-123, 2004
The use of a Vickers indenter in depth sensing indentation for measuring elastic modulus and Vickers hardness
AR Franco Jr, G Pintaúde, A Sinatora, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Materials Research 7, 483-491, 2004
Influence of the heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of the martensitic stainless steel type AISI 420.
AF Candelaria, CE Pinedo
Journal of materials Science letters 22 (16), 2003
Um ensaio sobre o culto ao corpo na contemporaneidade
JB Dantas
Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 2011
Cavitation erosion resistance of low temperature plasma nitrided martensitic stainless steel
LA Espitia, L Varela, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Wear 301 (1-2), 449-456, 2013
Surface hardening by plasma nitriding on high chromium alloy steel
CE Pinedo, WA Monteiro
Journal of materials science letters 20 (2), 147-150, 2001
Structure and properties of low temperature plasma carburized austenitic stainless steels
RM Souza, M Ignat, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (6-7), 1102-1105, 2009
Cavitation erosion resistance and wear mechanisms of active screen low temperature plasma nitrided AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel
LA Espitia, H Dong, XY Li, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Wear 332, 1070-1079, 2015
Low-temperature plasma nitriding of AISI F51 duplex stainless steel
CE Pinedo, LB Varela, AP Tschiptschin
Surface and Coatings Technology 232, 839-843, 2013
Development and microstructure characterization of single and duplex nitriding of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel
AP Tschiptschin, LB Varela, CE Pinedo, XY Li, H Dong
Surface and Coatings Technology 327, 83-92, 2017
Simultaneous plasma nitriding and ageing treatments of precipitation hardenable plastic mould steel
SD Oliveira, AP Tschiptschin, CE Pinedo
Materials & design 28 (5), 1714-1718, 2007
Assessment of tribological properties of plasma nitrided 410S ferritic-martensitic stainless steels
MT Umemura, LB Varela, CE Pinedo, RC Cozza, AP Tschiptschin
Wear 426, 49-58, 2019
Thermal stability of expanded austenite formed on a DC plasma nitrided 316L austenitic stainless steel
AP Tschiptschin, AS Nishikawa, LB Varela, CE Pinedo
Thin Solid Films 644, 156-165, 2017
The use of selective plasma nitriding on piston rings for performance improvement
CE Pinedo
Materials & Design 24 (2), 131-135, 2003
Scratch test of active screen low temperature plasma nitrided AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel
LA Espitia, H Dong, XY Li, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Wear 376, 30-36, 2017
Improvement of the cavitation erosion resistance of UNS S31803 stainless steel by duplex treatment
DH Mesa, CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Surface and Coatings Technology 205 (5), 1552-1556, 2010
Low temperature active screen plasma nitriding of 17–4 PH stainless steel
CE Pinedo, SIV Larrotta, AS Nishikawa, H Dong, XY Li, R Magnabosco, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 308, 189-194, 2016
Low temperature plasma carburizing of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel and AISI F51 duplex stainless steel
CE Pinedo, AP Tschiptschin
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 66, 209-214, 2013
Estrutura e propriedades do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L Grau ASTM F138 nitretado sob plasma à baixa temperatura
AP Tschiptschin, CE Pinedo
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 63, 137-141, 2010
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