Hui Wang
Hui Wang
NOAA/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center
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Summertime US precipitation variability and its relation to Pacific sea surface temperature
M Ting, H Wang
Journal of Climate 10 (8), 1853-1873, 1997
Changes to the North Atlantic subtropical high and its role in the intensification of summer rainfall variability in the southeastern United States
W Li, L Li, R Fu, Y Deng, H Wang
Journal of Climate 24 (5), 1499-1506, 2011
State of the Climate in 2018
M Ades, R Adler, LS Aldeco, G Alejandra, EJ Alfaro, V Aliaga-Nestares, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), SI-S305, 2019
Hurricanes and climate: the US CLIVAR working group on hurricanes
KJE Walsh, SJ Camargo, GA Vecchi, AS Daloz, J Elsner, K Emanuel, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (6), 997-1017, 2015
State of the Climate in 2019
J Blunden, DS Arndt
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (8), 2020
How do tropical sea surface temperatures influence the seasonal distribution of precipitation in the equatorial Amazon?
R Fu, RE Dickinson, M Chen, H Wang
Journal of climate 14 (20), 4003-4026, 2001
Intensification of summer rainfall variability in the southeastern United States during recent decades
H Wang, R Fu, A Kumar, W Li
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (4), 1007-1018, 2010
Weakened interannual variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean since 2000
ZZ Hu, A Kumar, HL Ren, H Wang, M L'Heureux, FF Jin
Journal of Climate, 2012
Statistical–dynamical predictions of seasonal North Atlantic hurricane activity
GA Vecchi, M Zhao, H Wang, G Villarini, A Rosati, A Kumar, IM Held, ...
Monthly Weather Review 139 (4), 1070-1082, 2011
Cross-equatorial flow and seasonal cycle of precipitation over South America
H Wang, R Fu
Journal of Climate 15 (13), 1591-1608, 2002
Characteristics of tropical cyclones in high‐resolution models in the present climate
DA Shaevitz, SJ Camargo, AH Sobel, JA Jonas, D Kim, A Kumar, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 6 (4), 1154–1172, 2014
Decadal variability of the Indo-Pacific warm pool and its association with atmospheric and oceanic variability in the NCEP–NCAR and SODA reanalyses
H Wang, VM Mehta
Journal of Climate 21 (21), 5545-5565, 2008
Tracking scheme dependence of simulated tropical cyclone response to idealized climate simulations
M Horn, K Walsh, M Zhao, SJ Camargo, E Scoccimarro, H Murakami, ...
Journal of climate 27 (24), 9197-9213, 2014
State of the Climate in 2020
J Blunden, T Boyer
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (8), S1-S475, 2021
The influence of Amazon rainfall on the Atlantic ITCZ through convectively coupled Kelvin waves
H Wang, R Fu
Journal of Climate 20 (7), 1188-1201, 2007
A statistical forecast model for Atlantic seasonal hurricane activity based on the NCEP dynamical seasonal forecast
H Wang, JKE Schemm, A Kumar, W Wang, L Long, M Chelliah, GD Bell, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (17), 4481-4500, 2009
Examination of the two types of ENSO in the NCEP CFS model and its extratropical associations
ST Kim, JY Yu, A Kumar, H Wang
Monthly Weather Review 140 (6), 1908-1923, 2012
Prospects for dynamical prediction of meteorological drought
XW Quan, MP Hoerling, B Lyon, A Kumar, MA Bell, MK Tippett, H Wang
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51 (7), 1238-1252, 2012
Western North Pacific tropical cyclone model tracks in present and future climates
J Nakamura, SJ Camargo, AH Sobel, N Henderson, KA Emanuel, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017
Covariabilities of winter US precipitation and Pacific sea surface temperatures
H Wang, M Ting
Journal of Climate 13 (20), 3711-3719, 2000
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