Chenyang Xu
Chenyang Xu
IEEE Fellow
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Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow
C Xu, JL Prince
IEEE Transactions on image processing 7 (3), 359-369, 1998
Current methods in medical image segmentation
DL Pham, C Xu, JL Prince
Annual review of biomedical engineering 2 (1), 315-337, 2000
Level set evolution without re-initialization: a new variational formulation
C Li, C Xu, C Gui, MD Fox
2005 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2005
Distance regularized level set evolution and its application to image segmentation
C Li, C Xu, C Gui, MD Fox
IEEE transactions on image processing 19 (12), 3243-3254, 2010
Gradient vector flow: A new external force for snakes
C Xu, JL Prince
Proceedings of IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and …, 1997
Generalized gradient vector flow external forces for active contours
C Xu, JL Prince
Signal processing 71 (2), 131-139, 1998
A topology preserving level set method for geometric deformable models
X Han, C Xu, JL Prince
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 25 (6), 755-768, 2003
Image segmentation using deformable models
C Xu, DL Pham, JL Prince
Handbook of medical imaging 2 (20), 0, 2000
On the relationship between parametric and geometric active contours
C Xu, A Yezzi, JL Prince
Conference record of the thirty-fourth asilomar conference on signals …, 2000
A multilevel banded graph cuts method for fast image segmentation
H Lombaert, Y Sun, L Grady, C Xu
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 1 …, 2005
CRUISE: cortical reconstruction using implicit surface evolution
X Han, DL Pham, D Tosun, ME Rettmann, C Xu, JL Prince
NeuroImage 23 (3), 997-1012, 2004
Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance images
C Xu, DL Pham, ME Rettmann, DN Yu, JL Prince
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 18 (6), 467-480, 1999
System and method for learning-based 2D/3D rigid registration for image-guided surgery using Jensen-Shannon divergence
R Liao, C Guetter, C Xu, Y Sun, A Khamene, F Sauer
US Patent 7,940,999, 2011
Registration of CT volumes with fluoroscopic images
R Liao, Y Sun, L Yatziv, C Xu
US Patent 8,098,914, 2012
Automated sulcal segmentation using watersheds on the cortical surface
ME Rettmann, X Han, C Xu, JL Prince
NeuroImage 15 (2), 329-344, 2002
A computational framework for the statistical analysis of cardiac diffusion tensors: application to a small database of canine hearts
JM Peyrat, M Sermesant, X Pennec, H Delingette, C Xu, ER McVeigh, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 26 (11), 1500-1514, 2007
MRI tissue classification and bias field estimation based on coherent local intensity clustering: A unified energy minimization framework
C Li, C Xu, AW Anderson, JC Gore
International conference on information processing in medical imaging, 288-299, 2009
Topology correction in brain cortex segmentation using a multiscale, graph-based algorithm
X Han, C Xu, U Braga-Neto, JL Prince
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 21 (2), 109-121, 2002
Registering 2D and 3D data using 3D ultrasound data
Y Sun, R Liao, C Xu, F Sauer
US Patent 8,126,239, 2012
Gradient vector flow deformable models
C Xu, JL Prince
Handbook of medical imaging, 159-169, 2000
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