Cin-Ty Lee
Cin-Ty Lee
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Constraints on the depths and temperatures of basaltic magma generation on Earth and other terrestrial planets using new thermobarometers for mafic magmas
CTA Lee, P Luffi, T Plank, H Dalton, WP Leeman
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 279 (1-2), 20-33, 2009
Copper systematics in arc magmas and implications for crust-mantle differentiation
CTA Lee, P Luffi, EJ Chin, R Bouchet, R Dasgupta, DM Morton, V Le Roux, ...
Science 336 (6077), 64-68, 2012
Building and destroying continental mantle
CTA Lee, P Luffi, EJ Chin
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 39 (1), 59-90, 2011
Similar V/Sc systematics in MORB and arc basalts: implications for the oxygen fugacities of their mantle source regions
CT Aeolus Lee, WP Leeman, D Canil, ZXA Li
Journal of Petrology 46 (11), 2313-2336, 2005
How important is the role of crystal fractionation in making intermediate magmas? Insights from Zr and P systematics
CTA Lee, O Bachmann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 393, 266-274, 2014
High silica granites: Terminal porosity and crystal settling in shallow magma chambers
CTA Lee, DM Morton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 409, 23-31, 2015
Continental arc volcanism as the principal driver of icehouse-greenhouse variability
NR McKenzie, BK Horton, SE Loomis, DF Stockli, NJ Planavsky, CTA Lee
Science 352 (6284), 444-447, 2016
Petrology and tectonics of Phanerozoic continent formation: From island arcs to accretion and continental arc magmatism
CTA Lee, DM Morton, RW Kistler, AK Baird
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (3-4), 370-387, 2007
Compositional variation of density and seismic velocities in natural peridotites at STP conditions: Implications for seismic imaging of compositional heterogeneities in the …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B9), 2003
Continuing Colorado plateau uplift by delamination-style convective lithospheric downwelling
A Levander, B Schmandt, MS Miller, K Liu, KE Karlstrom, RS Crow, ...
Nature 472 (7344), 461-465, 2011
Zn/Fe systematics in mafic and ultramafic systems: Implications for detecting major element heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle
V Le Roux, CTA Lee, SJ Turner
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (9), 2779-2796, 2010
The development and refinement of continental arcs by primary basaltic magmatism, garnet pyroxenite accumulation, basaltic recharge and delamination: insights from the Sierra …
CTA Lee, X Cheng, U Horodyskyj
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 151, 222-242, 2006
Water contents in mantle xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau and vicinity: Implications for the mantle rheology and hydration-induced thinning of continental lithosphere
ZXA Li, CT Lee, AH Peslier, A Lenardic, SJ Mackwell
Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (B9), B09210, 2008
Episodic Precambrian subduction
C O'Neill, A Lenardic, L Moresi, TH Torsvik, CTA Lee
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 262 (3-4), 552-562, 2007
The redox state of arc mantle using Zn/Fe systematics
CTA Lee, P Luffi, V Le Roux, R Dasgupta, F Albaréde, WP Leeman
Nature 468 (7324), 681-685, 2010
Mineralogical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle: Constraints from Mn, Co, Ni and Zn partitioning during partial melting
V Le Roux, R Dasgupta, CTA Lee
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307 (3-4), 395-408, 2011
The constancy of upper mantle fO2 through time inferred from V/Sc ratios in basalts
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (3-4), 483-493, 2004
Radar-enabled recovery of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite, a carbonaceous chondrite regolith breccia
P Jenniskens, MD Fries, QZ Yin, M Zolensky, AN Krot, SA Sandford, ...
Science 338 (6114), 1583-1587, 2012
How to make porphyry copper deposits
CTA Lee, M Tang
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 529, 115868, 2020
Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet
M Chen, F Niu, J Tromp, A Lenardic, CTA Lee, W Cao, J Ribeiro
Nature communications 8 (1), 15659, 2017
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