RA Johnson
RA Johnson
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене missouri.edu
The effects of corporate governance and institutional ownership types on corporate social performance
RA Johnson, DW Greening
Academy of management journal 42 (5), 564-576, 1999
The market for corporate control and firm innovation
MA Hitt, RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson, DD Moesel
Academy of management journal 39 (5), 1084-1119, 1996
Conflicting voices: The effects of institutional ownership heterogeneity and internal governance on corporate innovation strategies
RE Hoskisson, MA Hitt, RA Johnson, W Grossman
Academy of Management journal 45 (4), 697-716, 2002
Corporate divestiture intensity in restructuring firms: Effects of governance, strategy, and performance
RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson, DD Moesel
Academy of Management journal 37 (5), 1207-1251, 1994
Construct validity of an objective (entropy) categorical measure of diversification strategy
RE Hoskisson, MA Hitt, RA Johnson, DD Moesel
Strategic management journal 14 (3), 215-235, 1993
Board of director involvement in restructuring: The effects of board versus managerial controls and characteristics
RA Johnson, RE Hoskisson, MA Hitt
Strategic management journal 14 (S1), 33-50, 1993
Institutional ownership differences and international diversification: The effects of boards of directors and technological opportunity
L Tihanyi, RA Johnson, RE Hoskisson, MA Hitt
Academy of Management journal 46 (2), 195-211, 2003
Managerial agents watching other agents: Multiple agency conflicts regarding underpricing in IPO firms
JD Arthurs, RE Hoskisson, LW Busenitz, RA Johnson
Academy of Management Journal 51 (2), 277-294, 2008
Attention patterns in the boardroom: How board composition and processes affect discussion of entrepreneurial issues
CS Tuggle, K Schnatterly, RA Johnson
Academy of Management Journal 53 (3), 550-571, 2010
Research notes and communications corporate restructuring and strategic change: The effect on diversification strategy and R & D intensity
RO Hoskisson, RA Johnson
Strategic Management Journal 13 (8), 625-634, 1992
Antecedents and outcomes of corporate refocusing
RA Johnson
Journal of management 22 (3), 439-483, 1996
Diversified business groups and corporate refocusing in emerging economies
RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson, L Tihanyi, RE White
Journal of Management 31 (6), 941-965, 2005
Revitalizing entrepreneurship: The search for new research opportunities
RE Hoskisson, J Covin, HW Volberda, RA Johnson
Journal of Management Studies 48 (6), 1141-1168, 2011
Signaling and initial public offerings: The use and impact of the lockup period
JD Arthurs, LW Busenitz, RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson
Journal of business venturing 24 (4), 360-372, 2009
The effects of cost and asset retrenchment on firm performance: The overlooked role of a firm’s competitive environment
JL Morrow Jr, RA Johnson, LW Busenitz
Journal of management 30 (2), 189-208, 2004
The interface and convergence of the strategic management and organizational environment domains
AC Bluedorn, RA Johnson, DK Cartwright, BR Barringer
Journal of Management 20 (2), 201-262, 1994
Restructuring through spin‐off or sell‐off: transforming information asymmetries into financial gain
DD Bergh, RA Johnson, RL Dewitt
Strategic Management Journal 29 (2), 133-148, 2008
Do managers and strategies matter? A study in crisis
DW Greening, RA Johnson
Journal of management Studies 33 (1), 25-51, 1996
Institutional investors and institutional environment: A comparative analysis and review
RA Johnson, K Schnatterly, SG Johnson, SC Chiu
Journal of Management Studies 47 (8), 1590-1613, 2010
Settling up in CEO compensation: The impact of divestiture intensity and contextual factors in refocusing firms
S Pathak, RE Hoskisson, RA Johnson
Strategic Management Journal 35 (8), 1124-1143, 2014
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