Zuzanna Skóra
Zuzanna Skóra
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The confidence database
D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdoğan, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (3), 317-325, 2020
The interplay of language and visual perception in working memory
AS Souza, Z Skóra
Cognition 166, 277-297, 2017
Comparing theories of consciousness: why it matters and how to do it
SH Del Pin, Z Skóra, K Sandberg, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
Neuroscience of Consciousness 2021 (2), niab019, 2021
Responses improve the accuracy of confidence judgements in memory tasks
M Siedlecka, Z Skóra, B Paulewicz, S Fijałkowska, B Timmermans, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2018
Motor response influences perceptual awareness judgements
M Siedlecka, J Hobot, Z Skóra, B Paulewicz, B Timmermans, ...
Consciousness and cognition 75, 102804, 2019
Translating (lack of) memories into reports: Conversion processes in responding to unanswerable questions
A Krogulska, Z Skóra, A Scoboria, M Hanczakowski, K Zawadzka, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2019
Comparing theories of consciousness: object position, not probe modality, reliably influences experience and accuracy in object recognition tasks
SH Del Pin, Z Skóra, K Sandberg, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
Consciousness and Cognition 84, 102990, 2020
Comparing theories of consciousness: Why it matters and how to do it. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021 (2), Article niab019
SH Del Pin, Z Skóra, K Sandberg, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
Investigating the validity of the Perceptual Awareness Scale–The effect of task-related difficulty on subjective rating
Z Skóra, K Ciupińska, SH Del Pin, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
Consciousness and Cognition 95, 103197, 2021
The level of subjective visibility at different stages of memory processing
Z Skóra, M Wierzchoń
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 28 (8), 965-976, 2016
Continuous theta burst stimulation to the left anterior medial prefrontal cortex influences metacognitive efficiency
J Hobot, Z Skóra, M Wierzchoń, K Sandberg
NeuroImage 272, 119991, 2023
Comparing theories of consciousness: Why it matters and how to do it. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021 (2), niab019
SH Del Pin, Z Skóra, K Sandberg, M Overgaard, M Wierzchoń
No validity without a theory—a critical look at subjective measures of consciousness
Z Skora, SH Del Pin, M Derda, M Koculak, R Rutiku, M Wierzchoń
Neuroscience of Consciousness 2021 (1), niab009, 2021
Rating Scales in Inter-Survey Harmonization: What Should Be Controlled? And How?
KM Slomczynski, Z Skóra
Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data 6 (2), 16-28, 2020
SDR2 Database
KM Slomczynski, I Tomescu-Dubrow, I Wysmulek, P Powałko, JC Jenkins, ...
Harvard Dataverse, 2023
It’s About Time!⁠ The Sense of Agency Increases After Spontaneous vs. Planned Actions but It Decreases After Externally Planned Actions
M Maj, K Jasko, B Majchrowicz, Z Skóra, M Wierzchoń, PM Gollwitzer
Collabra: Psychology 11 (1), 2025
Color names affect the precision of memorized hues. The effect of increased color name distinctiveness
Z Skóra, JY Hardeberg
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022
The sensory short-term memory storages and working memory–do they differ in terms of conscious awareness?
Z Skóra
You’d better decide first: overt and covert decisions improve metacognitive accuracy
M Siedlecka, Z Skóra, B Paulewicz, M Wierzchoń
bioRxiv, 470146, 2018
Role of attention on subjective accessibility and precision of visual memory representation
Z Skóra, SH Del Pin, M Wierzchoń
OSF, 2017
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