Marcus E. Lower
Marcus E. Lower
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GWTC-1: a gravitational-wave transient catalog of compact binary mergers observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first and second observing runs
LS Collaboration, V Collaboration
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031040, 2019
Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Living reviews in relativity 23, 1-69, 2020
GW190425: Observation of a compact binary coalescence with total mass∼ 3.4 M⊙
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 892 (1), L3, 2020
Search for an isotropic gravitational-wave background with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
DJ Reardon, A Zic, RM Shannon, GB Hobbs, M Bailes, V Di Marco, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 951 (1), L6, 2023
Bilby: A User-friendly Bayesian Inference Library for Gravitational-wave Astronomy
G Ashton, M Hübner, PD Lasky, C Talbot, K Ackley, S Biscoveanu, Q Chu, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 241 (2), 27, 2019
Binary black hole population properties inferred from the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 882 (2), L24, 2019
Properties and Astrophysical Implications of the 150 M Binary Black Hole Merger GW190521
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Astrophysical Journal Letters 900 (1), 2020
A guide to LIGO–Virgo detector noise and extraction of transient gravitational-wave signals
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (5), 055002, 2020
Bayesian inference for compact binary coalescences with bilby: validation and application to the first LIGO–Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalogue
IM Romero-Shaw, C Talbot, S Biscoveanu, V D’emilio, G Ashton, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499 (3), 3295-3319, 2020
On the Evidence for a Common-spectrum Process in the Search for the Nanohertz Gravitational-wave Background with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
B Goncharov, RM Shannon, DJ Reardon, G Hobbs, A Zic, M Bailes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 917 (2), L19, 2021
First measurement of the hubble constant from a dark standard siren using the dark energy survey galaxies and the LIGO/Virgo binary–black-hole merger GW170814
M Soares-Santos, A Palmese, W Hartley, J Annis, J Garcia-Bellido, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 876 (1), L7, 2019
The MeerKAT Telescope as a Pulsar Facility: System verification and early science results from MeerTime
M Bailes, A Jameson, F Abbate, ED Barr, NDR Bhat, L Bondonneau, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37, 2020
The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Third Data Release
A Zic, DJ Reardon, A Kapur, G Hobbs, R Mandow, M Curyło, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 40, e049, 2023
All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO O2 data
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Physical Review D 100 (2), 024004, 2019
Search for Subsolar Mass Ultracompact Binaries in Advanced LIGO’s Second Observing Run
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
Physical Review Letters 123 (16), 161102, 2019
The parkes pulsar timing array project: second data release
M Kerr, DJ Reardon, G Hobbs, RM Shannon, RN Manchester, S Dai, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37, e020, 2020
Measuring eccentricity in binary black hole inspirals with gravitational waves
ME Lower, E Thrane, PD Lasky, R Smith
Physical Review D 98 (8), 083028, 2018
The gravitational-wave background null hypothesis: Characterizing noise in millisecond pulsar arrival times with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
DJ Reardon, A Zic, RM Shannon, V Di Marco, GB Hobbs, A Kapur, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 951 (1), L7, 2023
Search for Eccentric Binary Black Hole Mergers with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo during Their First and Second Observing Runs
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2), 149, 2019
Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in 2015–2017 LIGO Data
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 879 (1), 10, 2019
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