Impact of organisational change on mental health: a systematic review SG Bamberger, AL Vinding, A Larsen, P Nielsen, K Fonager, RN Nielsen, ... Occupational and environmental medicine 69 (8), 592-598, 2012 | 179 | 2012 |
Capabilities for innovation: The Nordic model and employee participation P Nielsen, RN Nielsen, SG Bamberger, J Stamhus, K Fonager, A Larsen, ... Nordic journal of working life studies 2 (4), 85-115, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Patterns and collaborators of innovation in the primary sector: a study of the Danish agriculture, forestry and fishery industry J Lindgaard Christensen, M Dahl, S Eliasen, R Nielsen, ... Industry and Innovation 18 (02), 203-225, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Assessment of work intensification by managers and psychological distressed and non-distressed employees: a multilevel comparison SG Bamberger, A Larsen, AL Vinding, P Nielsen, K Fonager, ... Industrial health 53 (4), 322-331, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Feeding food producers with (Regional) knowledge for innovation RN Nielsen Toward a theoretical underpinning of the feat2015 project, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
Does university education contributes to human resources development in the Danish system of innovation and competence building? RN Nielsen DRUID Conference Paper, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |
Introducing Academic Skills in Know-how-based Firms: Innovative Potential or Non-complementarity? RN Nielsen Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Globalization and job insecurity in Danish firms: A multilevel study S Raeder, SG Bamberger, P Nielsen, RN Nielsen, A Larsen, AL Vinding, ... Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 9 (4), 59-80, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Human resources in innovation systems: With focus on introduction of highly educated labour in small Danish firms RN Nielsen | 7 | 2007 |
Innovation, human resources, and academic labour: Introduction of highly educated labour in small Danish firms RN Nielsen Unpublished Ph. D.-dissertation, Department of Business Studies, Aalborg …, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Collaboration as a cornerstone in public sector innovation–the case of Denmark J Stamhus, RN Nielsen Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development …, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Videnskabsteori og projektarbejde for erhvervsøkonomer RN Nielsen Djøf Forlag, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
The MEADOW Guidelines N Greenan, E Lorenz, S Allan, T Amossé, D Archiburgi, A Arundel, ... | 4 | 2010 |
Back to Basics: Innovation in Agricultural, Forest and Fishery R Nielsen, JL Christensen, MS Dahl, S Eliasen, C Østergaard DRUID 25th Celebration Conference 2008, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Globaliseringsparat? P Nielsen, RN Nielsen, SG Bamberger, K Fonager, AL Vinding, A Larsen, ... Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 13 (3), 12-29, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Multi-level Theoretical Framework: theoretical key elements and interactions reflected in data collection on organisational change, innovation and work conditions P Nielsen, BÅ Lundvall, R Lund, RN Nielsen, AN Gjerding, ... Meadow, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Eksterne kilder til virksomheders produktinnovation R Nielsen Innovation i danske virksomheder: Samfundslitteratur, 57-73, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
The MEADOW Guidelines: Measuring the Dynamics of Organisation and Work P Nielsen, R Lund, RN Nielsen, BÅ Lundvall, JG Rasmussen, ... The MEADOW Guidelines, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
From thematic priorities to theories and concepts P Nielsen, R Lund, BÅ Lundvall, RN Nielsen, JG Rasmussen, ... Guidelines: Meadow project, 1-36, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
Grid Report-State of art in survey on organisational change P Nielsen, R Lund, BÅ Lundvall, RN Nielsen, AN Gjerding, ... Aalborg Universitet, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |