Riko Noormets
Riko Noormets
Professor of marine geology and geophysics at UNIS
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The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0
M Jakobsson, L Mayer, B Coakley, JA Dowdeswell, S Forbes, B Fridman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (12), 2012
Sedimentology of rocky shorelines: 3.: Hydrodynamics of megaclast emplacement and transport on a shore platform, Oahu, Hawaii
R Noormets, KAW Crook, EA Felton
Sedimentary Geology 172 (1-2), 41-65, 2004
The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean version 4.0
M Jakobsson, LA Mayer, C Bringensparr, CF Castro, R Mohammad, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 176, 2020
On the reconstruction of palaeo-ice sheets: Recent advances and future challenges
CR Stokes, L Tarasov, R Blomdin, TM Cronin, TG Fisher, R Gyllencreutz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 125, 15-49, 2015
Evidence for an ice shelf covering the central Arctic Ocean during the penultimate glaciation
M Jakobsson, J Nilsson, L Anderson, J Backman, G Björk, TM Cronin, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10365, 2016
An extensive and dynamic ice sheet on the West Greenland shelf during the last glacial cycle
C Ó Cofaigh, JA Dowdeswell, AE Jennings, KA Hogan, A Kilfeather, ...
Geology 41 (2), 219-222, 2013
The evolution of a submarine landform record following recent and multiple surges of Tunabreen glacier, Svalbard
AE Flink, R Noormets, N Kirchner, DI Benn, A Luckman, H Lovell
Quaternary Science Reviews 108, 37-50, 2015
Sedimentology of rocky shorelines: 2: Shoreline megaclasts on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii—origins and history
R Noormets, EA Felton, KAW Crook
Sedimentary Geology 150 (1-2), 31-45, 2002
Massive remobilization of permafrost carbon during post-glacial warming
T Tesi, F Muschitiello, RH Smittenberg, M Jakobsson, JE Vonk, P Hill, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 13653, 2016
Precision of high-resolution multibeam echo sounding coupled with high-accuracy positioning in a shallow water coastal environment
VB Ernstsen, R Noormets, D Hebbeln, A Bartholomä, BW Flemming
Geo-marine letters 26, 141-149, 2006
A major trough-mouth fan on the continental margin of the Bellingshausen Sea, West Antarctica: the Belgica Fan
JA Dowdeswell, CÓ Cofaigh, R Noormets, RD Larter, CD Hillenbrand, ...
Marine Geology 252 (3-4), 129-140, 2008
Late Quaternary ice flow in a West Greenland fjord and cross-shelf trough system: submarine landforms from Rink Isbrae to Uummannaq shelf and slope
JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, CÓ Cofaigh, EMG Fugelli, J Evans, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 292-309, 2014
Geophysical constraints on the dynamics and retreat of the Barents Sea ice sheet as a paleobenchmark for models of marine ice sheet deglaciation
H Patton, K Andreassen, LR Bjarnadóttir, JA Dowdeswell, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 53 (4), 1051-1098, 2015
Past ice-sheet flow east of Svalbard inferred from streamlined subglacial landforms
JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, J Evans, R Noormets, C Ó Cofaigh, D Ottesen
Geology 38 (2), 163-166, 2010
Quaternary contourite drifts of the Western Spitsbergen margin
M Rebesco, A Wåhlin, JS Laberg, U Schauer, A Beszczynska-Möller, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 79, 156-168, 2013
Quantification of dune dynamics during a tidal cycle in an inlet channel of the Danish Wadden Sea
VB Ernstsen, R Noormets, C Winter, D Hebbeln, A Bartholomä, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 26, 151-163, 2006
Morphology of the upper continental slope in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas–Implications for sedimentary processes at the shelf edge of West Antarctica
R Noormets, JA Dowdeswell, RD Larter, CÓ Cofaigh, J Evans
Marine Geology 258 (1-4), 100-114, 2009
Development of subaqueous barchanoid‐shaped dunes due to lateral grain size variability in a tidal inlet channel of the Danish Wadden Sea
VB Ernstsen, R Noormets, C Winter, D Hebbeln, A Bartholomä, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 110 (F4), 2005
Source apportionment of methane escaping the subsea permafrost system in the outer Eurasian Arctic Shelf
J Steinbach, H Holmstrand, K Shcherbakova, D Kosmach, V Brüchert, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (10), e2019672118, 2021
Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges
WR Farnsworth, L Allaart, Ó Ingólfsson, H Alexanderson, M Forwick, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 208, 103249, 2020
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