Brunello Tirozzi
Brunello Tirozzi
Department of Physics, Research Center Enea
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Emergent synchronous bursting of oxytocin neuronal network
E Rossoni, J Feng, B Tirozzi, D Brown, G Leng, F Moos
PLoS computational biology 4 (7), e1000123, 2008
On the mechanisms underlying the depolarization block in the spiking dynamics of CA1 pyramidal neurons
D Bianchi, A Marasco, A Limongiello, C Marchetti, H Marie, B Tirozzi, ...
Journal of computational neuroscience 33, 207-225, 2012
Localized wave and vortical solutions to linear hyperbolic systems and their application to linear shallow water equations
SY Dobrokhotov, AI Shafarevich, B Tirozzi
Russian journal of mathematical physics 15 (2), 192-221, 2008
The central limit theorem and the problem of equivalence of ensembles
RL Dobrushin, B Tirozzi
Communications in Mathematical Physics 54, 173-192, 1977
Conduction in bundles of demyelinated nerve fibers: computer simulation
S Reutskiy, E Rossoni, B Tirozzi
Biological cybernetics 89 (6), 439-448, 2003
Rigorous solution of the Gardner problem
M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Communications in mathematical physics 234, 383-422, 2003
The replica-symmetric solution without replica trick for the Hopfield model
L Pastur, M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Journal of statistical physics 74, 1161-1183, 1994
Explicit asymptotics for tsunami waves in framework of the piston model
SY Dobrokhotov, SY Sekerzh-Zenkovich, B Tirozzi, B Volkov
Russian Journal of Earth Sciences 8 (4), 1-12, 2006
The free energy of a class of Hopfield models
M Shcherbina, B Tirozzi
Journal of statistical physics 72, 113-125, 1993
Localized solutions of one-dimensional non-linear shallow-water equations with velocity c=√ x
SY Dobrokhotov, B Tirozzi
Russ. Math. Surv 65 (1), 177-179, 2010
Asymptotic solution of the one-dimensional wave equation with localized initial data and with degenerating velocity: I
SY Dobrokhotov, VE Nazaikinskii, B Tirozzi
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 17 (4), 434, 2010
Time evolution of infinite classical systems with singular, long range, two body interactions
E Presutti, M Pulvirenti, B Tirozzi
Asymptotic solutions of the linear shallow-water equations with localized initial data
SY Dobrokhotov, RV Nekrasov, B Tirozzi
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 69 (2), 225-242, 2011
Description of tsunami propagation based on the Maslov canonical operator
SY Dobrokhotov, SY Sekerzh-Zenkovich, B Tirozzi, TY Tudorovskii
Doklady Mathematics 74, 592-596, 2006
Chaos in highly diluted neural networks
B Tirozzi, M Tsodyks
Europhysics Letters 14 (8), 727, 1991
Effects of increasing CREB‐dependent transcription on the storage and recall processes in a hippocampal CA1 microcircuit
D Bianchi, PD Michele, C Marchetti, B Tirozzi, S Cuomo, H Marie, ...
Hippocampus 24 (2), 165-177, 2014
Two-dimensional wave equation with degeneration on the curvilinear boundary of the domain and asymptotic solutions with localized initial data
SY Dobrokhotov, VE Nazaikinskii, B Tirozzi
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 20, 389-401, 2013
Representations of rapidly decaying functions by the Maslov canonical operator.
S Dobrokhotov, B Tirozzi, A Shafarevich
Mathematical Notes 82, 2007
Behavior near the focal points of asymptotic solutions to the Cauchy problem for the linearized shallow water equations with initial localized perturbations
SY Dobrokhotov, B Tirozzi, CA Vargas
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 (2), 228-245, 2009
Stochastic resonance tuned by correlations in neural models
J Feng, B Tirozzi
Physical Review E 61 (4), 4207, 2000
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