Marcos Goycoolea Guzmán
Marcos Goycoolea Guzmán
Escuela de Administración, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Certification of an optimal TSP tour through 85,900 cities
DL Applegate, RE Bixby, V Chvátal, W Cook, DG Espinoza, M Goycoolea, ...
Operations Research Letters 37 (1), 11-15, 2009
A new algorithm for the open-pit mine production scheduling problem
R Chicoisne, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, E Rubio
MineLib: a library of open pit mining problems
D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, A Newman
Annals of operations research 206, 93-114, 2013
Harvest scheduling subject to maximum area restrictions: exploring exact approaches
M Goycoolea, AT Murray, F Barahona, R Epstein, A Weintraub
Operations Research 53 (3), 490-500, 2005
Imposing connectivity constraints in forest planning models
R Carvajal, M Constantino, M Goycoolea, JP Vielma, A Weintraub
Operations Research 61 (4), 824-836, 2013
Optimizing the open pit-to-underground mining transition
B King, M Goycoolea, A Newman
European journal of operational research 257 (1), 297-309, 2017
Evaluating approaches for solving the area restriction model in harvest scheduling
M Goycoolea, A Murray, JP Vielma, A Weintraub
Forest Science 55 (2), 149-165, 2009
Per-seat, on-demand air transportation part I: Problem description and an integer multicommodity flow model
D Espinoza, R Garcia, M Goycoolea, GL Nemhauser, MWP Savelsbergh
Transportation Science 42 (3), 263-278, 2008
Large-scale multi-period precedence constrained knapsack problem: a mining application
E Moreno, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 36, 407-414, 2010
A study of the Bienstock–Zuckerberg algorithm: applications in mining and resource constrained project scheduling
G Muñoz, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, M Queyranne, ...
Computational Optimization and Applications 69, 501-534, 2018
A multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling reformulation for the waterway ship scheduling problem
A Hill, E Lalla-Ruiz, S Voß, M Goycoolea
Journal of scheduling 22 (2), 173-182, 2019
Per-seat, on-demand air transportation part II: Parallel local search
D Espinoza, R Garcia, M Goycoolea, GL Nemhauser, MWP Savelsbergh
Transportation Science 42 (3), 279-291, 2008
Incorporating average and maximum area restrictions in harvest scheduling models
AT Murray, M Goycoolea, A Weintraub
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (2), 456-464, 2004
Numerically safe Gomory mixed-integer cuts
W Cook, S Dash, R Fukasawa, M Goycoolea
INFORMS Journal on Computing 21 (4), 641-649, 2009
Production scheduling for strategic open pit mine planning: a mixed-integer programming approach
O Rivera Letelier, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, G Muñoz
Operations Research 68 (5), 1425-1444, 2020
Underground mine scheduling under uncertainty
P Nesbitt, LR Blake, P Lamas, M Goycoolea, BK Pagnoncelli, A Newman, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 294 (1), 340-352, 2021
On the exact separation of mixed integer knapsack cuts
R Fukasawa, M Goycoolea
Mathematical programming 128, 19-41, 2011
A scalable approach to optimal block scheduling
J Amaya, D Espinoza, M Goycoolea, E Moreno, T Prevost, E Rubio
Proceedings of APCOM, 567-575, 2009
Two-step MIR inequalities for mixed integer programs
S Dash, M Goycoolea, O Günlük
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (2), 236-249, 2010
Computing with domino-parity inequalities for the traveling salesman problem (TSP)
W Cook, DG Espinoza, M Goycoolea
INFORMS Journal on Computing 19 (3), 356-365, 2007
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