J. Daniel Zyung
J. Daniel Zyung
Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене smu.edu
CEO career variety: Effects on firm-level strategic and social novelty
C Crossland, JD Zyung, NJ Hiller, DC Hambrick
Academy of Management Journal 57 (3), 652-674, 2014
Managerial risk taking: A multitheoretical review and future research agenda
RE Hoskisson, F Chirico, JD Zyung, E Gambeta
Journal of Management 43 (1), 137-169, 2017
Political identity and financial risk taking: Insights from social dominance orientation
K Han, J Jung, V Mittal, JD Zyung, H Adam
Journal of Marketing Research 56 (4), 581-601, 2019
Managerial response to constitutional constraints on shareholder power
BL Connelly, W Shi, JD Zyung
Strategic Management Journal 38 (7), 1499-1517, 2017
Socioemotional favoritism: Evidence from foreign divestitures in family multinationals
H Kim, RE Hoskisson, JD Zyung
Organization Studies 40 (6), 917-940, 2019
In retrospect: The influence of CEOs’ historical relative pay on overconfidence
JD Zyung, W Shi
Strategic Organization 20 (3), 627-651, 2022
Service providers' decision to use ethics committees and consultation in complex services
JD Zyung, V Mittal, S Kekre, GG Hegde, J Shang, BS Marcus, A Venkat
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (2), 278-297, 2020
Competition and constituents’ polarization online
A Zavyalova, C Callahan, TD Hubbard, JD Zyung
Journal of Management, 01492063231204867, 2023
Essays on CEO cognitive complexity: Effects on corporate strategy, performance, and survival
JD Zyung
Rice University, 2017
Effects of accumulated CEO pay and relative performance on risk taking and performance variance
JD Zyung, WGG Sanders
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 17176, 2014
The Rise of Stakeholder Governance and Diversity, and Consequences on Executive and Board Careers
S Gai, A Havrylyshyn, SH Hwang, MK Lee, DJ Schepker, W Shi, EJ Zajac, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 10284, 2022
Family CEOs, Acquisition Premiums, and Stock Market Performance of Domestic Acquisitions
H Kim, X Wang, JD Zyung
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 11010, 2021
CEO cognitive complexity, acquisitions, and survival: Evidence from the recent financial crisis
JD Zyung
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 18092, 2018
CEO Culpability Revisited: A Study of US Subsidiary Divestitures of Korean Multinationals
H Kim, JD Zyung, HS Woo, J Kim
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 11774, 2016
Related Diversification Revisited: Social Comparison among Division Managers and Value Creation
DJ Zyung
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 18793, 2015
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