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Uniform-geometric distribution Y Akdoğan, C Kuş, A Asgharzadeh, İ Kınacı, F Sharafi Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 86 (9), 1754-1770, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Binomial-discrete Lindley distribution C Kuş, Y Akdoğan, A Asgharzadeh, İ Kınacı, K Karakaya Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 …, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Statistical inference of stress-strength reliability for the exponential power (EP) distribution based on progressive type-II censored samples N Akdam, İ Kınacı, B Saracoglu Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 46 (2), 239-253, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
ESTIMATION OF P (Y< X) FOR DISTRIBUTIONS HAVING POWER HAZARD FUNCTION. İ Kınacı Pakistan Journal of Statistics 30 (1), 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Hataları değişen varyanslı ve otokorelasyonlu lineer olmayan regresyonda parametre tahmini İ Kınacı, A Genç Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1 (20), 55-68, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
A new family of distributions K Karakaya, İ Kınacı, C Kuş Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 46 (2), 303-314, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
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On the DUS-kumaraswamy distribution K Karakaya, İ Kınacı, C Kuş, Y Akdoğan Istatistik Journal of The Turkish Statistical Association 13 (1), 29-38, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Optimal experimental plan for multi-level stress testing with Weibull regression under progressive Type-II extremal censoring HKT Ng, İ Kınacı, C Kuş, PS Chan Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (4), 2611-2637, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Statistical analysis of solar radiation data using cubic spline functions A Genç, İ Kinaci, G Oturanç, A Kurnaz, Ş Bilir, N Özbalta Energy Sources 24 (12), 1131-1138, 2002 | 13 | 2002 |
Confidence intervals and regions for the generalized inverted exponential distribution based on progressively censored and upper records data I Kınacı, SJ Wu, C Kuş REVSTAT-Statistical Journal 17 (4), 429–448-429–448, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Modified-Lindley distribution and its applications to the real data C Kuş, MÇ Korkmaz, İ Kınacı, K Karakaya, Y Akdoğan Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 …, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
APT-pareto distribution and its properties İ Kınacı, C Kuş, K Karakaya, Y Akdoğan Cumhuriyet Science Journal 40 (2), 378-387, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
A GENERALIZATION OF FLEXIBLE PROGRESSIVE CENSORING. İ Kınacı Pakistan Journal of Statistics 29 (4), 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Geometric-zero truncated Poisson distribution: Properties and applications Y Akdogan, C Kus, H Bıdram, İ Kınacı Gazi University Journal of Science 32 (4), 1339-1354, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Estimation of Stress-Strength Parameter of a Parallel System for Exponential Distribution Based on Masked Data D Sezer, I Kinaci Journal of Selçuk University Natural and Applied Science 2 (3), 60-68, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Interval Estimation for some life distributions based on progressively censored sample Y Akdoğan, A Çalık, İ Altındağ, C Kuş, İ Kınacı XXIX-th European Meeting of Statisticians 29, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Statistical inference for Weibull distribution based on a modified progressive type-II censoring scheme I Kinaci, Y Akdogan, C Kus, HKT Ng Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics 5 (4), 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Point estimation of parameters in discrete Burr distribution based on type I censored sample Y Akdogan, C Kus, İ Kınacı Istatistik Türk Istatistik Dernegi Dergisi 7 (3), 80-86, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |