Jansen Zuanon
Jansen Zuanon
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Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong
KO Winemiller, PB McIntyre, L Castello, E Fluet-Chouinard, T Giarrizzo, ...
Science 351 (6269), 128-129, 2016
Damming the rivers of the Amazon basin
EM Latrubesse, EY Arima, T Dunne, E Park, VR Baker, FM d’Horta, ...
Nature 546 (7658), 363-369, 2017
Rare species contribute disproportionately to the functional structure of species assemblages
RP Leitão, J Zuanon, S Villéger, SE Williams, C Baraloto, C Fortunel, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1828), 20160084, 2016
Peixes comerciais de Manaus
GM Santos, EJG Ferreira, JAS Zuanon
editora INPA, 2009
Hydropower and the future of Amazonian biodiversity
AC Lees, CA Peres, PM Fearnside, M Schneider, JAS Zuanon
Biodiversity and conservation 25, 451-466, 2016
Fish communities in central Amazonian white-and blackwater floodplains
U Saint-Paul, J Zuanon, MAV Correa, M García, NN Fabré, U Berger, ...
Environmental biology of fishes 57, 235-250, 2000
Land use, habitat integrity, and aquatic insect assemblages in Central Amazonian streams
JL Nessimian, EM Venticinque, J Zuanon, P De Marco, M Gordo, L Fidelis, ...
Hydrobiologia 614, 117-131, 2008
Brazil's environmental leadership at risk
J Ferreira, LEOC Aragão, J Barlow, P Barreto, E Berenguer, ...
Science 346 (6210), 706-707, 2014
Relationships between habitat characteristics and fish assemblages in small streams of Central Amazonia
FP Mendonça, WE Magnusson, J Zuanon
Copeia 2005 (4), 751-764, 2005
Biodiversity conservation in human-modified Amazonian forest landscapes
CA Peres, TA Gardner, J Barlow, J Zuanon, F Michalski, AC Lees, ...
Biological conservation 143 (10), 2314-2327, 2010
Peixes comerciais do médio Amazonas-Região de Santarém, PA
EJG Ferreira, JAS Zuanon, GM Santos
Disentangling the pathways of land use impacts on the functional structure of fish assemblages in Amazon streams
RP Leitão, J Zuanon, D Mouillot, CG Leal, RM Hughes, PR Kaufmann, ...
Ecography 41 (1), 219-232, 2018
A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales: the Sustainable Amazon Network
TA Gardner, J Ferreira, J Barlow, AC Lees, L Parry, ICG Vieira, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
A stream fish assemblage in Central Amazonia: distribution, activity patterns and feeding behavior
J Sabino, JAS Zuanon
Volume 8, Número 3, Pags. 201-210, 1998
Spatiotemporal dynamics in a seasonal metacommunity structure is predictable: the case of floodplain‐fish communities
IM Fernandes, R Henriques‐Silva, J Penha, J Zuanon, PR Peres‐Neto
Ecography 37 (5), 464-475, 2014
Multi-scale assessment of human-induced changes to Amazonian instream habitats
CG Leal, PS Pompeu, TA Gardner, RP Leitão, RM Hughes, PR Kaufmann, ...
Landscape Ecology 31, 1725-1745, 2016
Protected areas: A focus on Brazilian freshwater biodiversity
VM Azevedo‐Santos, RG Frederico, CK Fagundes, PS Pompeu, ...
Diversity and Distributions 25 (3), 442-448, 2019
Unexpected fish diversity gradients in the Amazon basin
T Oberdorff, MS Dias, C Jézéquel, JS Albert, CC Arantes, R Bigorne, ...
Science advances 5 (9), eaav8681, 2019
A database of freshwater fish species of the Amazon Basin
C Jézéquel, PA Tedesco, R Bigorne, JA Maldonado-Ocampo, H Ortega, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 96, 2020
Seasonal variation in the composition of fish assemblages in small Amazonian forest streams: evidence for predictable changes
HMV Espírito‐Santo, WE Magnusson, J Zuanon, FP Mendonca, ...
Freshwater Biology 54 (3), 536-548, 2009
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