Stephan V. Sobolev
Stephan V. Sobolev
Professor of Geodynamics, GFZ Potsdam and University of Potsdam.
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An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts
AV Sobolev, AW Hofmann, SV Sobolev, IK Nikogosian
Nature 434 (7033), 590-597, 2005
Seismic images of crust and upper mantle beneath Tibet: Evidence for Eurasian plate subduction
R Kind, X Yuan, J Saul, D Nelson, SV Sobolev, J Mechie, W Zhao, ...
science 298 (5596), 1219-1221, 2002
Linking mantle plumes, large igneous provinces and environmental catastrophes
SV Sobolev, AV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, NA Krivolutskaya, AG Petrunin, ...
Nature 477 (7364), 312-316, 2011
Seismic evidence for a detached Indian lithospheric mantle beneath Tibet
G Kosarev, R Kind, SV Sobolev, X Yuan, W Hanka, S Oreshin
Science 283 (5406), 1306-1309, 1999
Mechanism of the Andean orogeny: insight from numerical modeling
SV Sobolev, AY Babeyko, I Koulakov, O Oncken
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny, 513-535, 2006
Subduction and collision processes in the Central Andes constrained by converted seismic phases
X Yuan, SV Sobolev, R Kind, O Oncken, G Bock, G Asch, B Schurr, ...
Nature 408 (6815), 958-961, 2000
What drives orogeny in the Andes?
SV Sobolev, AY Babeyko
Geology 33 (8), 617-620, 2005
Rift migration explains continental margin asymmetry and crustal hyper-extension
S Brune, C Heine, M Pérez-Gussinyé, SV Sobolev
Nature communications 5 (1), 4014, 2014
Hot and dry deep crustal xenoliths from Tibet
BR Hacker, E Gnos, L Ratschbacher, M Grove, M McWilliams, SV Sobolev, ...
Science 287 (5462), 2463, 2000
Plate tectonics on the Earth triggered by plume-induced subduction initiation
TV Gerya, RJ Stern, M Baes, SV Sobolev, SA Whattam
Nature 527 (7577), 221-225, 2015
Moho topography in the central Andes and its geodynamic implications
X Yuan, SV Sobolev, R Kind
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 199 (3-4), 389-402, 2002
Modeling of mineralogical composition, density and elastic wave velocities in anhydrous magmatic rocks
SV Sobolev, AY Babeyko
Surveys in Geophysics 15, 515-544, 1994
Upper mantle temperatures from teleseismic tomography of French Massif Central including effects of composition, mineral reactions, anharmonicity, anelasticity and partial melt
SV Sobolev, H Zeyen, G Stoll, F Werling, R Altherr, K Fuchs
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 139, 147-163, 1996
Siberian meimechites: origin and relation to flood basalts and kimberlites
AV Sobolev, SV Sobolev, DV Kuzmin, KN Malitch, AG Petrunin
Russian Geology and Geophysics 50 (12), 999-1033, 2009
Seismic imaging of a convergent continental margin and plateau in the central Andes (Andean Continental Research Project 1996 (ANCORP’96))
ANCORP Working Group
J. geophys. Res 108 (B7), 2003
Mapping the Hawaiian plume conduit with converted seismic waves
X Li, R Kind, K Priestley, SV Sobolev, F Tilmann, X Yuan, M Weber
Nature 405 (6789), 938-941, 2000
A tomographic image of Indian lithosphere break-off beneath the Pamir–Hindukush region
I Koulakov, SV Sobolev
Geophysical Journal International 164 (2), 425-440, 2006
Numerical models of crustal scale convection and partial melting beneath the Altiplano–Puna plateau
AY Babeyko, SV Sobolev, RB Trumbull, O Oncken, LL Lavier
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 199 (3-4), 373-388, 2002
Upper mantle temperatures and lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath the French Massif Central constrained by seismic, gravity, petrologic and thermal observations
SV Sobolev, H Zeyen, M Granet, U Achauer, C Bauer, F Werling, R Altherr, ...
Tectonophysics 275 (1-3), 143-164, 1997
SLIM3D: A tool for three-dimensional thermomechanical modeling of lithospheric deformation with elasto-visco-plastic rheology
AA Popov, SV Sobolev
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 171 (1-4), 55-75, 2008
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