Sriraman K Rajagopalan
Sriraman K Rajagopalan
Materials Scientist-Hydrogen Technologies, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, ON, Canada
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене cnl.ca
Corrosion behaviour of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni–W and Ni–Fe–W alloys
KR Sriraman, SGS Raman, SK Seshadri
Materials Science and Engineering: A 460, 39-45, 2007
Synthesis and evaluation of hardness and sliding wear resistance of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni–W alloys
KR Sriraman, SGS Raman, SK Seshadri
Materials Science and Engineering: A 418 (1-2), 303-311, 2006
Characterization of corrosion resistance of electrodeposited Zn–Ni Zn and Cd coatings
KR Sriraman, S Brahimi, JA Szpunar, JH Osborne, S Yue
Electrochimica Acta 105, 314-323, 2013
Tribological behavior of electrodeposited Zn, Zn–Ni, Cd and Cd–Ti coatings on low carbon steel substrates
KR Sriraman, HW Strauss, S Brahimi, RR Chromik, JA Szpunar, ...
Tribology International 56, 107-120, 2012
Influence of crystallite size on the hardness and fatigue life of steel samples coated with electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni–W alloys
KR Sriraman, SGS Raman, SK Seshadri
Materials Letters 61 (3), 715-718, 2007
Hydrogen embrittlement of Zn-, Zn–Ni-, and Cd-coated high strength steel
KR Sriraman, S Brahimi, JA Szpunar, S Yue
journal of Applied Electrochemistry 43, 441-451, 2013
Development of hybrid metallic coatings on carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) by cold spray deposition of copper-assisted copper electroplating process
P Fallah, S Rajagopalan, A McDonald, S Yue
Surface and Coatings Technology 400, 126231, 2020
Alloy and composition dependence of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility in high-strength steel fasteners
SV Brahimi, S Yue, KR Sriraman
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
Synthesis and evaluation of hardness and sliding wear resistance of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni–Fe–W alloys
KR Sriraman, SG Sundara Raman, SK Seshadri
Materials Science and Technology 22 (1), 14-20, 2006
A study on the susceptibility of high strength tempered martensite steels to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) based on incremental step load (ISL) testing methodology
T Das, SK Rajagopalan, SV Brahimi, X Wang, S Yue
Materials Science and Engineering: A 716, 189-207, 2018
Tribocorrosion behavior of Zn, Zn–Ni, Cd and Cd–Ti electrodeposited on low carbon steel substrates
KR Sriraman, S Brahimi, JA Szpunar, JH Osborne, S Yue
Surface and Coatings Technology 224, 126-137, 2013
Development of a novel biodegradable metallic stent based on microgalvanic effect
J Frattolin, R Barua, H Aydin, S Rajagopalan, L Gottellini, R Leask, S Yue, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 404-418, 2016
Effect of brush plating process variables on the microstructures of Cd and ZnNi coatings and hydrogen embrittlement
P Behera, SK Rajagopalan, S Brahimi, CA Venturella, SP Gaydos, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 417, 127181, 2021
Hydrogen embrittlement characteristics of two tempered martensitic steel alloys for high-strength bolting
SV Brahimi, KR Sriraman, S Yue
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2017
Effect of crystallographic orientation on the tribological behaviour of electrodeposited Zn coatings
S Rajagopalan, P Manimunda, R Chromik, S Yue
RSC Advances, 17360-17372, 2016
The effect of contact stress on the sliding wear behaviour of Zn-Ni electrodeposited coatings
L Lee, P Behera, KR Sriraman, RR Chromik
Wear 400, 82-92, 2018
A manufacturing and annealing protocol to develop a cold-sprayed Fe-316L stainless steel biodegradable stenting material
J Frattolin, R Roy, S Rajagopalan, M Walsh, S Yue, OF Bertrand, ...
Acta biomaterialia 99, 479-494, 2019
Ganesh Sundara Raman S., Seshadri SK Influence of crystallite size on the hardness and fatigue life of steel samples coated with electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-W alloys
KR Sriraman
Mater. Lett 61, 715-718, 2007
Effects of humidity on the sliding wear properties of Zn–Ni alloy coatings
L Lee, P Behera, KR Sriraman, RR Chromik
RSC Advances 7 (37), 22662-22671, 2017
Characterization of electrodeposited Zn-Ni alloy coatings as a replacement for electrodeposited Zn and Cd coatings
S Kankoduthavanitham Rajagopalan
McGill University, 2013
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