Klemen Ambrožič
Klemen Ambrožič
Researcher, Reactor Physics Division, Jožef Stefan Institute
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ijs.si
Computational analysis of the dose rates at JSI TRIGA reactor irradiation facilities
K Ambrožič, G Žerovnik, L Snoj
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 130, 140-152, 2017
Silicon carbide diodes for neutron detection
J Coutinho, VJB Torres, I Capan, T Brodar, Z Ereš, R Bernat, V Radulović, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
Silicon carbide neutron detector testing at the JSI TRIGA reactor for enhanced border and port security
V Radulović, Y Yamazaki, Ž Pastuović, A Sarbutt, K Ambrožič, R Bernat, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Delayed gamma determination at the JSI TRIGA reactor by synchronous measurements with fission and ionization chambers
K Ambrožič, A Gruel, V Radulović, M Le Guillou, P Blaise, C Destouches, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2018
Gamma-heating and gamma flux measurements in the JSI TRIGA reactor: results and prospects
A Gruel, K Ambrožič, C Destouches, V Radulović, A Sardet, L Snoj
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 67 (4), 559-567, 2020
Dose rate calculations at beam tube no. 5 of the JSI TRIGA mark II research reactor using Monte Carlo method
A Jazbec, B Kos, K Ambrožič, L Snoj
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 168, 109510, 2021
JSIR2S code for delayed radiation simulations: Validation against measurements at the JSI TRIGA reactor
K Ambrožič, L Snoj
Progress in Nuclear Energy 129, 103498, 2020
Characterization of gamma field in the JSI TRIGA reactor
K Ambrožič
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, 2020
Overview of recent advancements in IFMIF-DONES neutronics activities
Y Qiu, M Ansorge, I Álvarez, K Ambrožič, T Berry, B Bieńkowska, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 201, 114242, 2024
Design of a 150-miniature detectors 3D core-mapping system for the CROCUS reactor
F Vitullo, V Lamirand, K Ambrožič, L Braun, D Godat, P Frajtag, A Pautz
EPJ Web of Conferences 253, 04023, 2021
Delayed gamma radiation simulation in case of loss of water event using Monte Carlo method
A Jazbec, A Pungerčič, B Kos, K Ambrožič, L Snoj
Nuclear Engineering and Design 378, 111170, 2021
Nuclear heating measurements for fusion and fission relevant materials in the JSI TRIGA reactor
H Carcreff, V Radulović, D Fourmentel, K Ambrožič, C Destouches, L Snoj, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 179, 113136, 2022
Analysis of irradiation experiments with activated water radiation source at the JSI TRIGA Research Reactor
A Žohar, A Pungerčič, K Ambrožič, V Radulović, I Lengar, L Snoj
Fusion Engineering and Design 161, 111946, 2020
Radiation hardness studies and detector characterisation at the JSI TRIGA reactor
L Snoj, K Ambrožič, A Čufar, T Goričanec, A Jazbec, I Lengar, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 225, 04031, 2020
Determination of neutron flux redistribution factors for a typical pressurized water reactor ex-core measurements using Monte Carlo technique
T Goričanec, B Kos, K Ambrožič, A Trkov, L Snoj, M Kromar
Frontiers in Energy Research 11, 1137867, 2023
Experimental report of the 3rd campaign at AKR-2 and CROCUS
V Lamirand, A Knospe, K Ambrožič, F Vitullo, HC de Lange
Horizon 2020 Programme, 2021
Development of MOS-FET dosimeters for use in high radiation fields
G Kramberger, K Ambrožič, U Gürer, B Hiti, H Karacali, I Mandić, E Yilmaz, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2020
Conceptual Design of Irradiation Facility with 6 MeV and 7 MeV Gamma Rays at the JSI TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor
A Žohar, A Pungerčič, K Ambrožič, V Radulović, A Jazbec, S Rupnik, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 225, 04014, 2020
Characterization of Spent PWR fuel for decay heat, neutron and gamma-ray emission: code comparison
G Žerovnik, P Schillebeeckx, K Ambrožič, D Čalič, B Kos, M Kromar, ...
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to …, 2019
Characterization of high harmonic frequencies in reactor noise experiments within the CORTEX project
K Ambrožič, V Larmirand, A Pautz
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 69 (4), 825-831, 2022
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