Jessica Hafetz
Jessica Hafetz
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Prevalence of teen driver errors leading to serious motor vehicle crashes
AE Curry, J Hafetz, MJ Kallan, FK Winston, DR Durbin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1285-1290, 2011
Gender differences in relational and physical aggression
LA Burton, J Hafetz, D Henninger
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 35 (1), 41-50, 2007
Gender differences in relations of mental rotation, verbal fluency, and SAT scores to finger length ratios as hormonal indexes
LA Burton, D Henninger, J Hafetz
Developmental neuropsychology 28 (1), 493-505, 2005
Parents’ perspectives on using autonomous vehicles to enhance children’s mobility
YC Lee, JH Mirman
Transportation Research Part C 96, 415-431, 2018
Peer passengers: How do they affect teen crashes?
AE Curry, JH Mirman, MJ Kallan, FK Winston, DR Durbin
Journal of Adolescent Health 50 (6), 588-594, 2012
Effectiveness of parent-focused interventions to increase teen driver safety: A critical review
AE Curry, C Peek-Asa, CJ Hamann, JH Mirman
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (1), S6-S14, 2015
Factors associated with adolescents' propensity to drive with multiple passengers and to engage in risky driving behaviors
JH Mirman, D Albert, LS Jacobsohn, FK Winston
Journal of Adolescent Health 50 (6), 634-640, 2012
Child and parent perceptions of monitoring in chronic illness management: a qualitative study
J Hafetz, VA Miller
Child: care, health and development 36 (5), 655-662, 2010
Adolescent drivers’ perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of abstention from in-vehicle cell phone use
JS Hafetz, LS Jacobsohn, JF García-España, AE Curry, FK Winston
Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (6), 1570-1576, 2010
An evaluation of dual systems theories of adolescent delinquency in a normative longitudinal cohort study of youth
AL Murray, X Zhu, JH Mirman, D Ribeaud, M Eisner
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50, 1293-1307, 2021
Driving among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
H Bishop, L Boe, D Stavrinos, J Mirman
Safety 4 (3), 40, 2018
Effect of the Teen Driving Plan on the Driving Performance of Teenagers Before Licensure A Randomized Clinical Trial
J Mirman, A Curry, W Wang, M Shultheis, M Elliott, M Fisher Thiel, ...
JAMA Pediatrics, 2014
From passengers to drivers: Parent perceptions about how adolescents learn to drive
JH Mirman, J Kay
Journal of Adolescent Research 27 (3), 401-424, 2012
Individual and developmental differences in delinquency: Can they be explained by adolescent risk-taking models?
AL Murray, JH Mirman, L Carter, M Eisner
Developmental Review 62, 100985, 2021
Child coping and parent coping assistance during the peritrauma period in injured children.
ML Marsac, JH Mirman, KL Kohser, N Kassam-Adams
Families, Systems, & Health 29 (4), 279, 2011
TeenDrivingPlan effectiveness: The effect of quantity and diversity of supervised practice on teens' driving performance
JH Mirman, WD Albert, AE Curry, FK Winston, MCF Thiel, DR Durbin
Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (5), 620-626, 2014
Effect of primary care parent-targeted interventions on parent-adolescent communication about sexual behavior and alcohol use: a randomized clinical trial
CA Ford, JH Mirman, JF García-España, MC Fisher Thiel, E Friedrich, ...
JAMA network open 2 (8), e199535, 2019
It takes two: A brief report examining mutual support between parents and teens learning to drive
JH Mirman, AE Curry, W Wang, MCF Thiel, DR Durbin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 69, 23-29, 2014
Driving errors of learner teens: Frequency, nature and their association with practice
DR Durbin, JH Mirman, AE Curry, W Wang, MCF Thiel, M Schultheis, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 72, 433-439, 2014
Aggression, gender-typical childhood play, and a prenatal hormonal index
LA Burton, D Henninger, J Hafetz, J Cofer
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 37 (1), 105-115, 2009
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