Bruce D. Pascal
Bruce D. Pascal
Omics Informatics LLC
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Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser
Y Kang, XE Zhou, X Gao, Y He, W Liu, A Ishchenko, A Barty, TA White, ...
Nature 523 (7562), 561-567, 2015
Recommendations for performing, interpreting and reporting hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) experiments
GR Masson, JE Burke, NG Ahn, GS Anand, C Borchers, S Brier, ...
Nature methods 16 (7), 595-602, 2019
Irisin mediates effects on bone and fat via αV integrin receptors
H Kim, CD Wrann, M Jedrychowski, S Vidoni, Y Kitase, K Nagano, C Zhou, ...
Cell 175 (7), 1756-1768. e17, 2018
HP1 reshapes nucleosome core to promote phase separation of heterochromatin
S Sanulli, MJ Trnka, V Dharmarajan, RW Tibble, BD Pascal, ...
Nature 575 (7782), 390-394, 2019
Probing protein ligand interactions by automated hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
MJ Chalmers, SA Busby, BD Pascal, Y He, CL Hendrickson, AG Marshall, ...
Analytical chemistry 78 (4), 1005-1014, 2006
HDX workbench: software for the analysis of H/D exchange MS data
BD Pascal, S Willis, JL Lauer, RR Landgraf, GM West, D Marciano, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 23 (9), 1512-1521, 2012
Differential hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry analysis of protein–ligand interactions
MJ Chalmers, SA Busby, BD Pascal, GM West, PR Griffin
Expert review of proteomics 8 (1), 43-59, 2011
DNA binding alters coactivator interaction surfaces of the intact VDR–RXR complex
J Zhang, MJ Chalmers, KR Stayrook, LL Burris, Y Wang, SA Busby, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 18 (5), 556-563, 2011
Dynamics of the β2-Adrenergic G-Protein Coupled Receptor Revealed by Hydrogen−Deuterium Exchange
X Zhang, EYT Chien, MJ Chalmers, BD Pascal, J Gatchalian, RC Stevens, ...
Analytical chemistry 82 (3), 1100-1108, 2010
The therapeutic potential of nuclear receptor modulators for treatment of metabolic disorders: PPARγ, RORs, and Rev-erbs
DP Marciano, MR Chang, CA Corzo, D Goswami, VQ Lam, BD Pascal, ...
Cell metabolism 19 (2), 193-208, 2014
HD desktop: an integrated platform for the analysis and visualization of H/D exchange data
BD Pascal, MJ Chalmers, SA Busby, PR Griffin
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20, 601-610, 2009
Hydrogen/deuterium exchange reveals distinct agonist/partial agonist receptor dynamics within vitamin D receptor/retinoid X receptor heterodimer
J Zhang, MJ Chalmers, KR Stayrook, LL Burris, RD Garcia-Ordonez, ...
Structure 18 (10), 1332-1341, 2010
Conformational states of the full-length glucagon receptor
L Yang, D Yang, C De Graaf, A Moeller, GM West, V Dharmarajan, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7859, 2015
Time window expansion for HDX analysis of an intrinsically disordered protein
D Goswami, S Devarakonda, MJ Chalmers, BD Pascal, BM Spiegelman, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 24 (10), 1584-1592, 2013
Nitric oxide-induced conformational changes in soluble guanylate cyclase
ES Underbakke, AT Iavarone, MJ Chalmers, BD Pascal, S Novick, ...
Structure 22 (4), 602-611, 2014
The Deuterator: software for the determination of backbone amide deuterium levels from H/D exchange MS data
BD Pascal, MJ Chalmers, SA Busby, CC Mader, MR Southern, ...
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-12, 2007
Protein dynamics and conformational changes explored by hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
J Zheng, T Strutzenberg, BD Pascal, PR Griffin
Current opinion in structural biology 58, 305-313, 2019
Unique ligand binding patterns between estrogen receptor α and β revealed by hydrogen− deuterium exchange
SY Dai, TP Burris, JA Dodge, C Montrose-Rafizadeh, Y Wang, BD Pascal, ...
Biochemistry 48 (40), 9668-9676, 2009
Long noncoding RNA GM12371 acts as a transcriptional regulator of synapse function
BL Raveendra, S Swarnkar, Y Avchalumov, XA Liu, E Grinman, K Badal, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (43), E10197-E10205, 2018
A residue-resolved Bayesian approach to quantitative interpretation of hydrogen–deuterium exchange from mass spectrometry: application to characterizing protein–ligand interactions
DJ Saltzberg, HB Broughton, R Pellarin, MJ Chalmers, A Espada, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (15), 3493-3501, 2017
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