Ivan Argatov
Ivan Argatov
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене campus.tu-berlin.de
Estimation of the mechanical energy output of the kite wind generator
I Argatov, P Rautakorpi, R Silvennoinen
Renewable Energy 34 (6), 1525-1532, 2009
On local indentation and impact compliance of isotropic auxetic materials from the continuum mechanics viewpoint
II Argatov, R Guinovart-Díaz, FJ Sabina
International Journal of Engineering Science 54, 42-57, 2012
On the Iwan models for lap-type bolted joints
II Argatov, EA Butcher
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 46 (2), 347-356, 2011
Response of a wire rope strand to axial and torsional loads: Asymptotic modeling of the effect of interwire contact deformations
I Argatov
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (10), 1413-1423, 2011
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a novel modeling technique in tribology
I Argatov
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 5, 30, 2019
Wear evolution in a stranded rope under cyclic bending: Implications to fatigue life estimation
II Argatov, X Gómez, W Tato, MA Urchegui
Wear 271 (11-12), 2857-2867, 2011
Mathematical modeling of linear viscoelastic impact: Application to drop impact testing of articular cartilage
II Argatov
Tribology International 63, 213-225, 2013
Health monitoring of bolted joints via electrical conductivity measurements
I Argatov, I Sevostianov
International Journal of Engineering Science 48 (10), 874-887, 2010
Contact mechanics of articular cartilage layers
I Argatov, G Mishuris
Asymptotic models. Springer, 2015
Energy conversion efficiency of the pumping kite wind generator
I Argatov, R Silvennoinen
Renewable Energy 35 (5), 1052-1060, 2010
Indentation testing of biological materials
I Argatov, G Mishuris
Springer, 2018
An artificial neural network supported regression model for wear rate
II Argatov, YS Chai
Tribology International 138, 211-214, 2019
Frictionless and adhesive nanoindentation: Asymptotic modeling of size effects
I Argatov
Mechanics of Materials 42 (8), 807-815, 2010
Depth-sensing indentation of a transversely isotropic elastic layer: second-order asymptotic models for canonical indenters
II Argatov
International journal of solids and structures 48 (25-26), 3444-3452, 2011
Apparent wind load effects on the tether of a kite power generator
I Argatov, P Rautakorpi, R Silvennoinen
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 99 (10), 1079-1088, 2011
Fundamentals of the theory of elastic discrete contact
II Argatov, NN Dmitriev
Polytechnics, St. Petersburg, 2003
Accounting for the thickness effect in dynamic spherical indentation of a viscoelastic layer: Application to non-destructive testing of articular cartilage
I Argatov, AU Daniels, G Mishuris, S Ronken, D Wirz
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 37, 304-317, 2013
Energy release caused by the kinking of a crack in a plane anisotropic solid
II Argatov, SA Nazarov
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 66 (3), 491-503, 2002
Asymptotic analysis of the substrate effect for an arbitrary indenter
II Argatov, FJ Sabina
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 66 (1), 75-95, 2013
Johnson–Kendall–Roberts adhesive contact for a toroidal indenter
I Argatov, Q Li, R Pohrt, VL Popov
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
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