Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене is.naist.jp
A hand-pose estimation for vision-based human interfaces
E Ueda, Y Matsumoto, M Imai, T Ogasawara
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 50 (4), 676-684, 2003
Humanoid robots as a passive-social medium: a field experiment at a train station
K Hayashi, D Sakamoto, T Kanda, M Shiomi, S Koizumi, H Ishiguro, ...
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot …, 2007
Individual muscle control using an exoskeleton robot for muscle function testing
J Ueda, D Ming, V Krishnamoorthy, M Shinohara, T Ogasawara
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 18 (4 …, 2010
Development of the NAIST-Hand with vision-based tactile fingertip sensor
J Ueda, Y Ishida, M Kondo, T Ogasawara
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Grip force control for an elastic finger using vision-based incipient slip feedback
A Ikeda, Y Kurita, J Ueda, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
Behavior recognition based on head pose and gaze direction measurement
Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara, A Zelinsky
Proceedings. 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots …, 2000
Indoor navigation for a humanoid robot using a view sequence
J Ido, Y Shimizu, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara
The International Journal of Robotics Research 28 (2), 315-325, 2009
Study of deformation and insertion tasks of a flexible wire
H Nakagaki, K Kitagaki, T Ogasawara, H Tsukune
Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3, 2397-2402, 1997
The multifingered NAIST hand system for robot in-hand manipulation
J Ueda, M Kondo, T Ogasawara
Mechanism and Machine Theory 45 (2), 224-238, 2010
What are the important technologies for bin picking? Technology analysis of robots in competitions based on a set of performance metrics
M Fujita, Y Domae, A Noda, GA Garcia Ricardez, T Nagatani, A Zeng, ...
Advanced Robotics 34 (7-8), 560-574, 2020
Pointing device offering good operability at low cost
M Yumoto, T Nakano, T Urata, S Miyata, J Ueda, T Ogasawara
US Patent App. 11/235,378, 2006
Pinpointed muscle force control using a power-assisting device: System configuration and experiment
M Ding, J Ueda, T Ogasawara
2008 2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2008
Slip-adaptive walk of quadruped robot
H Takemura, M Deguchi, J Ueda, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 53 (2), 124-141, 2005
Study of insertion task of a flexible wire into a hole by using visual tracking observed by stereo vision
H Nakagaki, K Kitagi, T Ogasawara, H Tsukune
Proceedings of IEEE international conference on robotics and automation 4 …, 1996
Modular manufacturing
H Tsukune, M Tsukamoto, T Matsushita, F Tomita, K Okada, T Ogasawara, ...
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 4, 163-181, 1993
An optical 6-axis force sensor for brain function analysis using fMRI
N Takahashi, M Tada, J Ueda, Y Matsumoto, T Ogasawara
SENSORS, 2003 IEEE 1, 253-258, 2003
Rehand: Realistic electric prosthetic hand created with a 3D printer
M Yoshikawa, R Sato, T Higashihara, T Ogasawara, N Kawashima
2015 37th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2015
Estimating 3-D point-of-regard in a real environment using a head-mounted eye-tracking system
K Takemura, K Takahashi, J Takamatsu, T Ogasawara
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (4), 531-536, 2014
Development of an optical 2-axis force sensor usable in MRI environments
M Tada, S Sasaki, T Ogasawara
SENSORS, 2002 IEEE 2, 984-989, 2002
Human-sized anthropomorphic robot hand with detachable mechanism at the wrist
Y Kurita, Y Ono, A Ikeda, T Ogasawara
Mechanism and Machine Theory 46 (1), 53-66, 2011
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