Mustafin Ilia
Mustafin Ilia
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Generation of terahertz radiation in ordered arrays of GaAs nanowires
VN Trukhin, AD Bouravleuv, IA Mustafin, JP Kakko, T Huhtio, GE Cirlin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (25), 2015
Terahertz spectroscopy of diabetic and non-diabetic human blood plasma pellets
AA Lykina, MM Nazarov, MR Konnikova, IA Mustafin, VL Vaks, ...
Journal of Biomedical Optics 26 (4), 043006-043006, 2021
Ultradispersed nickel suspension formation in heavy petroleum hydrocarbons in the process of heat treatment
RN Galiakhmetov, OM Sudakova, AG Mustafin, AF Akhmetov, IA Mustafin
International journal of applied engineering research 10 (21), 41864-41866, 2015
Fast terahertz spectroscopic holographic assessment of optical properties of diabetic blood plasma
MS Kulya, EL Odlyanitskiy, Q Cassar, IA Mustafin, VN Trukhin, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 41, 1041-1056, 2020
Methods of utilization of oil sludge of various origin
AF Akhmetov, AR Gaisina, IA Mustafin
Oil and gas business 3, 98-101, 2011
Thermographic studies of vacuum gas oil
RN Galiakhmetov, IA Mustafin, OM Sudakova, AF Akhmetov, AG Mustafin
International journal of applied engineering research 11 (23), 11184-11188, 2016
Enhancing 4-propylheptane dissociation with nickel nanocluster based on molecular dynamics simulations
MG Ilyina, EM Khamitov, RN Galiakhmetov, IA Mustafin, AG Mustafin
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 72, 106-111, 2017
Current state and development trends of the catalytic cracking process
DS Ershov, AR Khafizov, IA Mustafin, KE Stankevich, AV Gantsev, ...
Fundamental research, 282-285, 2017
The state of vanadium (V) in crude oil and petroleum residues
AF Akhmetov, IA Mustafin, YV Krasilnikova, EA Irkabaeva, KT Ergaliev
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10 (21), 42553-42555, 2015
Resonant features of the terahertz generation in semiconductor nanowires
VN Trukhin, AD Bouravleuv, IA Mustafin, GE Cirlin, DI Kuritsyn, ...
Semiconductors 50, 1561-1565, 2016
Destruktivnoe prevrashchenie gazoilya v prisutstvii nanorazmernogo katalizatora na osnove nikelya [Destructive Transformation of Gas Oil in the Presence of a Nano-Sized …
IA Mustafin, MF Abdullin, OM Sudakova, AG Mustafin, RN Galiakhmetov, ...
Neftekhimiya–Petroleum Chemistry 58 (3), 275-281, 2018
Sovremennoe sostoyanie i tendentsii razvitiya protsessa kataliticheskogo krekinga [Current State and Trends in the Development of the Catalytic Cracking Process]
DS Ershov, AR Khafizov, IA Mustafin, KE Stankevich, AV Gantsev, ...
Fundamental'nye issledovaniya–Fundamental Research, 282-286, 2017
Optically excited THz generation from ordered arrays of GaAs nanowires
VN Trukhin, AD Bouravleuv, IA Mustafin, JP Kakko, H Lipsanen
Procedia Engineering 201, 100-104, 2017
Rentgenofaz-nye issledovaniya ostatkov termokataliticheskoy destruktsii nefteproduktov v prisutstvii 2-etil-geksanoatov tsinka i nikelya [X-ray phase studies of the residues of …
IA Mustafin, AF Akhmetov, OM Sudakova, AG Mustafin, RN Galiakhmetov
Mir nefteproduktov [World of Petroleum Products], 18-23, 2016
Catalytic processes in heavy hydrocarbons in the presence of ultradispersed nickel suspension
OM Sudakova, AG Mustafin, AF Akhmetov, IA Mustafin, MN Rakhimov
International Journal of Applied Chemistry 12 (4), 653-659, 2016
Ultrafast carrier dynamics in GaAs nanowires
VN Trukhin, AD Buravlev, V Dhaka, GE Cirlin, IA Mustafin, MA Kaliteevski, ...
Lithuanian Journal of Physics 54 (1), 2014
The demetallization of west Siberian crude oil and its residues
IA Mustafin, AA Shevchenko, KA Gilmanshina, YV Krasilnikova
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (10), 2338-2341, 2017
Tectonics and Oil-Gas Potential of the Baykalo-Pomr Mega-Syncline of North Sakhalin
IA Mustafin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature 19 (5), 217-219, 1981
Terahertz near-field response in graphene ribbons
PA Alekseev, BR Borodin, IA Mustafin, AV Zubov, SP Lebedev, ...
Technical Physics Letters 46, 756-759, 2020
Light gasoil of catalytic cracking: A quantitative description of the physical properties by joint use of chromato‐mass‐spectrometry and molecular dynamics
MG Ilyina, EM Khamitov, RN Galiakhmetov, IA Mustafin, AF Akhmetov, ...
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 67 (1), 33-40, 2020
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