Общедоступные статьи - Sylvain DubeyПодробнее...
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Invader immunology: invasion history alters immune system function in cane toads (Rhinella marina) in tropical Australia
GP Brown, BL Phillips, S Dubey, R Shine
Ecology Letters 18 (1), 57-65, 2015
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Multiple origins of invasive and ‘native’ water frogs (Pelophylax spp.) in Switzerland
S Dubey, J Leuenberger, N Perrin
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112 (3), 442-449, 2014
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Thermoregulation and microhabitat choice in the polymorphic asp viper (Vipera aspis)
D Muri, J Schuerch, N Trim, J Golay, A Baillifard, A El Taher, S Dubey
Journal of thermal biology 53, 107-112, 2015
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Plant surface metabolites as potent antifungal agents
O Dubey, S Dubey, S Schnee, G Glauser, C Nawrath, K Gindro, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 150, 39-48, 2020
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Variation in major histocompatibility complex diversity in invasive cane toad populations
M Lillie, S Dubey, R Shine, K Belov
Wildlife Research 44 (7), 565-572, 2017
Финансирование: Australian Research Council
Introduced freshwater blenny influences the diet and body condition of the invasive dice snake in Lake Geneva
S Dubey, P Christe, V Formenti, E Staub, J Schuerch, O Glaizot, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (2), 338-343, 2015
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Extensive gene flow suggests lack of reproductive barriers between the two subspecies of the green whip snake, Hierophis viridiflavus (Squamata: Colubridae)
N Meier, K Lucek, MAL Zuffi, F Storniolo, M Mezzasalma, P Geniez, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (1), 133-147, 2024
Финансирование: Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
PERMANENT GENETIC RESOURCES: Characterization of tri‐ and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for the slatey‐grey snake (Stegonotus cucullatus, Colubridae)
S Dubey, GP Brown, T Madsen, R Shine
Molecular Ecology Resources 8 (2), 431-433, 2008
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
42 статьи доступны в некоторых источниках
Mitochondrial and nuclear phylogeny of circum-Mediterranean tree frogs from the Hyla arborea group
M Stöck, S Dubey, C Klütsch, SN Litvinchuk, U Scheidt, N Perrin
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 49 (3), 1019-1024, 2008
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Fifteen shades of green: the evolution of Bufotes toads revisited
C Dufresnes, G Mazepa, D Jablonski, RC Oliveira, T Wenseleers, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 141, 106615, 2019
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), Fundação …
Evolutionary and biomedical consequences of internal melanins
S Dubey, A Roulin
Pigment cell & melanoma research 27 (3), 327-338, 2014
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Origin of the parasites of an invading species, the Australian cane toad (Bufo marinus): are the lungworms Australian or American?
S Dubey, R Shine
Molecular Ecology 17 (20), 4418-4424, 2008
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Male‐biased dispersal in a tropical Australian snake (Stegonotus cucullatus, Colubridae)
S Dubey, GP Brown, T Madsen, R Shine
Molecular Ecology 17 (15), 3506-3514, 2008
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
Decoding the evolution of melanin in vertebrates
ME McNamara, V Rossi, TS Slater, CS Rogers, AL Ducrest, S Dubey, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 36 (5), 430-443, 2021
Финансирование: European Commission
Molecular evolution of Azagny virus, a newfound hantavirus harbored by the West African pygmy shrew (Crocidura obscurior) in Côte d'Ivoire
HJ Kang, B Kadjo, S Dubey, F Jacquet, R Yanagihara
Virology Journal 8, 1-7, 2011
Финансирование: US National Institutes of Health
Mass of genes rather than master genes underlie the genomic architecture of amphibian speciation
C Dufresnes, A Brelsford, DL Jeffries, G Mazepa, T Suchan, D Canestrelli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (36), e2103963118, 2021
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Phylogeography of a cryptic speciation continuum in Eurasian spadefoot toads (Pelobates)
C Dufresnes, I Strachinis, N Suriadna, G Mykytynets, D Cogălniceanu, ...
Molecular Ecology 28 (13), 3257-3270, 2019
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation, Ministry of Education, Science and …
Homologous sex chromosomes in three deeply divergent anuran species
A Brelsford, M Stöck, C Betto-Colliard, S Dubey, C Dufresnes, ...
Evolution 67 (8), 2434-2440, 2013
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Integrating hybrid zone analyses in species delimitation: lessons from two anuran radiations of the Western Mediterranean
C Dufresnes, M Pribille, B Alard, H Gonçalves, F Amat, PA Crochet, ...
Heredity 124 (3), 423-438, 2020
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
False phylogenies on wood mice due to cryptic cytochrome-b pseudogene
S Dubey, J Michaux, H Brünner, R Hutterer, P Vogel
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 50 (3), 633-641, 2009
Финансирование: Swiss National Science Foundation
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