Isabel Fraga Carou
Isabel Fraga Carou
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The Spanish adaptation of ANEW (Affective norms for English words).
MC Jaime Redondo, Isabel Fraga, Isabel Padrón
Behavior Research Methods 39, 600-605, 2007
Memory for emotional words in bilinguals: Do words have the same emotional intensity in the first and in the second language.
M Ferré, P., García, T., Fraga, I., Sánchez-Casas, R., y Molero
Cognition & Emotion 24, 760-785, 2010
Spanish norms for Affective and Lexico-Semantic variables for 1,400 words.
M Guasch, P Ferré, I Fraga
Behavior Research Methods 48, 1358–1369, 2016
A study on the psychological wound of COVID-19 in university students
I Padrón, I Fraga, L Vieitez, C Montes, E Romero
Frontiers in psychology 12, 589927, 2021
Estudio normativo del valor afectivo de 478 palabras españolas.
MP Jaime Redondo, Isabel Fraga, Montserrat Comesaña
Psicológica 26 (2), 2005
ERP correlates of masked affective priming with emoticons
M Comesaña, AP Soares, M Perea, AP Piñeiro, I Fraga, A Pinheiro
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 588-595, 2013
Vocabulary teaching strategies and conceptual representations of words in L2 in children: Evidence with novice learners.
IF Montserrat Comesaña, Manuel Perea, Ana Piñeiro
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 104, 22-33, 2009
EmoFinder: The meeting point for Spanish emotional words.
I Fraga, M Guasch, J Haro, I Padrón, P Ferré
Behavior Research Methods., 2018
Affective ratings of sound stimuli
J Redondo, I Fraga, I Padrón, A Piñeiro
Behavior Research Methods 40, 784-790, 2008
The interplay of phonology and orthography in visual cognate word recognition: An ERP study.
IF Montserrat Comesaña, Rosa Sánchez-Casas, Ana Paula Soares, Ana P Pinheiro ...
Neuroscience Letters 559, 75-79., 2012
Moved by words: affective ratings for a set of 2,266 Spanish words in five discrete emotion categories.
JAH Pilar Ferré, Marc Guasch, Natalia Martínez-García, Isabel Fraga
Behavior Research Methods 49, 1082-1094, 2017
Memory for emotional words in the first and the second language: Effects of the encoding task.
I Ferré, P., Sánchez-Casas, R., & Fraga
Bilingualism, Language and Cognition 16, 495-507, 2013
Memory for emotional words: the role of semantic relatedness, encoding task and affective valence.
RSC Pilar Ferré, Isabel Fraga, Montserrat Comesaña
Cognition & Emotion 29, 1401-1410, 2015
Transposed-letters and laterality effects in lexical decision.
M Perea, I Fraga
Brain & Language 97, 102-109, 2006
EmoPro–Emotional prototypicality for 1286 Spanish words: Relationships with affective and psycholinguistic variables
MÁ Pérez-Sánchez, H Stadthagen-Gonzalez, M Guasch, JA Hinojosa, ...
Behavior research methods, 1-19, 2021
Grammatical gender processing in bilinguals: An analytic review
AR Sá-Leite, I Fraga, M Comesaña
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26, 1148-1173, 2019
The role of emotionality in the acquisition of new concrete and abstract words.
P Ferré, D Ventura, M Comesaña, I Fraga
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 976, 2015
Animacy in the adjunction of Spanish RCs to Complex NPs.
A Acuña-Fariña, C., Fraga, I., García-Orza, J., Piñeiro
The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 21, 1137-1165, 2009
Masked nonword repetition effects in yes/no and go/no-go lexical decision: A test of the Evidence Accumulation and Deadline accounts.
P Perea, M., Gómez, I Fraga
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17, 369-374, 2010
Lexical competition is enhanced in the left hemisphere: Evidence from different types of orthographic neighbors.
I Perea, M., Acher. J. y Fraga
Brain & Language 105, 199–21, 2008
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