Manuel Bailera
Manuel Bailera
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad de Zaragoza
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Power to Gas projects review: Lab, pilot and demo plants for storing renewable energy and CO2
M Bailera, P Lisbona, LM Romeo, S Espatolero
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69, 292-312, 2017
A review on CO2 mitigation in the Iron and Steel industry through Power to X processes
M Bailera, P Lisbona, B Peña, LM Romeo
Journal of CO2 Utilization 46, 101456, 2021
Integration of carbon capture technologies in blast furnace based steel making: A comprehensive and systematic review
J Perpiñán, B Peña, M Bailera, V Eveloy, P Kannan, A Raj, P Lisbona, ...
Fuel 336, 127074, 2023
Future applications of hydrogen production and CO2 utilization for energy storage: Hybrid Power to Gas-Oxycombustion power plants
M Bailera, N Kezibri, LM Romeo, S Espatolero, P Lisbona, C Bouallou
International journal of hydrogen energy 42 (19), 13625-13632, 2017
Power to Gas–biomass oxycombustion hybrid system: Energy integration and potential applications
M Bailera, P Lisbona, LM Romeo, S Espatolero
Applied energy 167, 221-229, 2016
Power to gas-oxyfuel boiler hybrid systems
M Bailera, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (32), 10168-10175, 2015
Energy storage in Spain: Forecasting electricity excess and assessment of power-to-gas potential up to 2050
M Bailera, P Lisbona
Energy 143, 900-910, 2018
Power to gas-electrochemical industry hybrid systems: A case study
M Bailera, S Espatolero, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
Applied Energy 202, 435-446, 2017
Decision-making methodology for managing photovoltaic surplus electricity through Power to Gas: Combined heat and power in urban buildings
M Bailera, B Peña, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
Applied energy 228, 1032-1045, 2018
Non-stoichiometric methanation as strategy to overcome the limitations of green hydrogen injection into the natural gas grid
LM Romeo, M Cavana, M Bailera, P Leone, B Peña, P Lisbona
Applied Energy 309, 118462, 2022
Design configurations to achieve an effective CO2 use and mitigation through power to gas
LM Romeo, M Bailera
Journal of CO2 Utilization 39, 101174, 2020
Power-to-Gas: Analysis of potential decarbonization of Spanish electrical system in long-term prospective
P Lisbona, GF Frate, M Bailera, U Desideri
Energy 159, 656-668, 2018
Energy storage
M Bailera, P Lisbona, B Peña, LM Romeo
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Techno-economic feasibility of power to gas–oxy-fuel boiler hybrid system under uncertainty
M Bailera, DP Hanak, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
international journal of hydrogen energy 44 (19), 9505-9516, 2019
Modelling calcium looping at industrial scale for energy storage in concentrating solar power plants
M Bailera, S Pascual, P Lisbona, LM Romeo
Energy 225, 120306, 2021
Design and operational performance maps of calcium looping thermochemical energy storage for concentrating solar power plants
S Pascual, P Lisbona, M Bailera, LM Romeo
Energy 220, 119715, 2021
Renewable energy sources and power-to-gas aided cogeneration for non-residential buildings
M Bailera, P Lisbona, E Llera, B Peña, LM Romeo
Energy 181, 226-238, 2019
Technical and economic assessment of iron and steelmaking decarbonization via power to gas and amine scrubbing
J Perpiñán, M Bailera, B Peña, LM Romeo, V Eveloy
Energy 276, 127616, 2023
Calcium looping as chemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants: Carbonator modelling and configuration assessment
M Bailera, P Lisbona, LM Romeo, LI Díez
Applied Thermal Engineering 172, 115186, 2020
Energy consumption minimization for a solar lime calciner operating in a concentrated solar power plant for thermal energy storage
P Lisbona, M Bailera, T Hills, M Sceats, LI Díez, LM Romeo
Renewable Energy 156, 1019-1027, 2020
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