Lamar Pierce
Lamar Pierce
Beverly & James Hance Professor of Strategy, Olin Business School, Washington University
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The abundance effect: Unethical behavior in the presence of wealth
F Gino, L Pierce
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 109 (2), 142-155, 2009
The psychological costs of pay‐for‐performance: Implications for the strategic compensation of employees
I Larkin, L Pierce, F Gino
Strategic Management Journal 33 (10), 1194-1214, 2012
Dishonesty in the name of equity
F Gino, L Pierce
Psychological Science 20 (9), 1153-1160, 2009
Big losses in ecosystem niches: How core firm decisions drive complementary product shakeouts
L Pierce
Strategic Management Journal 30 (3), 323-347, 2009
Doing Well by Making Well: The Impact of Corporate Wellness Programs on Employee Productivity
T Gubler, I Larkin, L Pierce
Management Science 64 (11), 4967-4987, 2018
Cleaning House: The Impact of Information Technology Monitoring on Employee Theft and Productivity
L Pierce, D Snow, A McAfee
Management Science 61 (10), 2299-2319, 2015
Compensation and Peer Effects in Competing Sales Teams
T Chan, J Li, L Pierce
Management Science 60 (8), 1965-1984, 2014
Customer-Driven Misconduct: How Competition Corrupts Business Practices
V Bennett, L Pierce, J Snyder, M Toffel
Management Science 59 (8), 1725-1742, 2013
Robin Hood under the hood: Wealth-based discrimination in illicit customer help
F Gino, L Pierce
Organization Science 21 (6), 1176-1194, 2010
Motivational spillovers from awards: Crowding out in a multitasking environment
T Gubler, I Larkin, L Pierce
Organization Science 27 (2), 286-303, 2016
The Behavioral and Evolutionary Roots of Dynamic Capabilities
F Arndt, L Pierce
Industrial and Corporate Change 27 (2), 413-424, 2018
Lying to Level the Playing Field: Why People May Dishonestly Help or Hurt Others to Create Equity
F Gino, L Pierce
Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1), 89-103, 2010
Learning from Peers: Knowledge Transfer and Sales Force Productivity Growth
TY Chan, J Li, L Pierce
Marketing Science 33 (4), 363-384, 2014
Ethical spillovers in firms: Evidence from vehicle emissions testing
L Pierce, J Snyder
Management Science 54 (11), 1891-1903, 2008
Dynamic capabilities, competence and the behavioral theory of the firm
JL Pierce, CS Boerner, DJ Teece
The Economics of Choice, Change and Organization: Essays in Memory of …, 2002
Programmatic risk-taking by American opera companies
JL Pierce
Journal of Cultural Economics 24 (1), 45-63, 2000
Organizational Structure and the Limits of Knowledge Sharing: Incentive Conflict and Agency in Car Leasing
L Pierce
Management Science 58 (6), 1106-1121, 2012
Losing Hurts: The Happiness Impact of Partisan Electoral Loss
L Pierce, T Rogers, J Snyder
Journal of Experimental Political Science 3 (1), 44-59, 2016
The Historical Slave Trade and Firm Access to Finance in Africa
L Pierce, J Snyder
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (1), 142-174, 2018
In Sickness and in Wealth: Psychological and Sexual Costs of Income Comparison in Marriage
L Pierce, MS Dahl, J Nielsen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (3), 359-374, 2013
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