Shengcai Liao (廖胜才)
Shengcai Liao (廖胜才)
IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow, Associate Professor, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)
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Person re-identification by local maximal occurrence representation and metric learning
S Liao, Y Hu, X Zhu, SZ Li
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Learning face representation from scratch
D Yi, Z Lei, S Liao, SZ Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.7923, 2014
The visual object tracking vot2014 challenge results
M Kristan, R Pflugfelder, A Leonardis, J Matas, L Čehovin, G Nebehay, ...
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops, 191-217, 2014
Deep metric learning for person re-identification
D Yi, Z Lei, S Liao, SZ Li
2014 22nd international conference on pattern recognition, 34-39, 2014
Learning multi-scale block local binary patterns for face recognition
S Liao, X Zhu, Z Lei, L Zhang, SZ Li
Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2007, Seoul, Korea …, 2007
Illumination invariant face recognition using near-infrared images
SZ Li, RF Chu, SC Liao, L Zhang
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 29 (4), 627-639, 2007
Salient color names for person re-identification
Y Yang, J Yang, J Yan, S Liao, D Yi, SZ Li
Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2014
Face detection based on multi-block lbp representation
L Zhang, R Chu, S Xiang, S Liao, SZ Li
Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2007, Seoul, Korea …, 2007
High-level semantic feature detection: A new perspective for pedestrian detection
W Liu, S Liao, W Ren, W Hu, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Modeling pixel process with scale invariant local patterns for background subtraction in complex scenes
S Liao, G Zhao, V Kellokumpu, M Pietikäinen, SZ Li
2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
Efficient psd constrained asymmetric metric learning for person re-identification
S Liao, SZ Li
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3685-3693, 2015
Partial face recognition: Alignment-free approach
S Liao, AK Jain, SZ Li
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (5), 1193-1205, 2012
A Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector
S Liao, AK Jain, SZ Li
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 38 (2), 211-223, 2016
The casia nir-vis 2.0 face database
SZ Li, D Yi, Z Lei, S Liao
Computer vision and pattern recognition workshops (CVPRW), 2013 IEEE …, 2013
Partial person re-identification
WS Zheng, X Li, T Xiang, S Liao, J Lai, S Gong
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 4678-4686, 2015
Embedding deep metric for person re-identification: A study against large variations
H Shi, Y Yang, X Zhu, S Liao, Z Lei, W Zheng, SZ Li
European conference on computer vision, 732-748, 2016
Face liveness detection with component dependent descriptor
J Yang, Z Lei, S Liao, SZ Li
Biometrics (ICB), 2013 International Conference on, 1-6, 2013
Learning efficient single-stage pedestrian detectors by asymptotic localization fitting
W Liu, S Liao, W Hu, X Liang, X Chen
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 618-634, 2018
Robust multi-resolution pedestrian detection in traffic scenes
J Yan, X Zhang, Z Lei, S Liao, SZ Li
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 IEEE Conference on …, 2013
Learning consistent feature representation for cross-modal multimedia retrieval
C Kang, S Xiang, S Liao, C Xu, C Pan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17 (3), 370-381, 2015
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